10/26/14 - Another week of ARAC and another Saturday filled with - TopicsExpress


10/26/14 - Another week of ARAC and another Saturday filled with anticipation and explosive activity. As soon as the port was de accessed, Holt wanted to get outside and play. Street hockey, scooters, and after a bit, just running. Holt was upset on Wednesday that he had to stay accessed, and after three days of rest, he was happy to get all the pent up energy out. De-accessing wasnt the easiest this week. Normally its a quick pull of the dressing (think really large bandaid), but this week the outer cloth was separating from the adhesive layer, and it hurt. Kids are great at putting bad things behind him, and Holt was smiling and joking with the nurse in no time. Stuff happens - Holt moved on really fast and didnt let it ruin his day. Friday, Holt and I went to Slices & Ices. Crystal and Grant joined after a while. Because of the crowd, and because Holts counts are on the way down, I had Holt wear a mask. When we walked in, some of the kids in the restaurant started pointing - it couldve just been recognition of Holt, as a lot of people were there for him, but I was a little self-conscientious and didnt want Holt to feel awkward. I had nothing to fear though, as he knows it makes him stick out, but really doesnt care. He knows we ask him to wear it as a safety layer, and he just rolls with it, talking to his friends and having fun. Yep, Im taking life lessons from my son this week, and I pray that he keeps these attitudes as he transitions through his teenage years. Grant threw me a curve ball this week. He generally observes, takes things in, processes, and then asks questions. As an example, a year and a half ago, Grant asked a question or two every day about great grandma and her funeral for about two weeks straight. So, I probably shouldnt have been surprised when, on Thursday, Grant asked me when he was going to get to throw out a first pitch, a month after Holts special day. Maybe someday was my response. I know Holt feels left out of some things, but Grant feels that way too sometimes. When the curiosity sets in, we generally try to point out the things he does get to do that Holt doesnt or cant, but I suppose the really special things may make it seem a little lopsided on occasion. Maybe well have to plan a special outing for Grant sometime soon. And, yes, if you didnt catch it, the pun was intended. We are blessed youre on the journey, as always, blessed for your prayers and support - please throw an extra one in there for Grant on occasion, as Holts battle affects him as well.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:46:23 +0000

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