10/3/2014 Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC 4500 Cherry Creek Drive - TopicsExpress


10/3/2014 Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC 4500 Cherry Creek Drive South Suite 300 Denver, CO 80246 This is Virtuousos WRONG ADDRESS (SOUTH Drive) because they want to collect on a debt that went to their collection agency and get PAID with a CREDIT CARD. If A debt went to collections because U couldnt afford to pay the debt, Why would you pay by credit card that accrues high interest rates? Why would U pay ONLINE with YOUR Credit Card When Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC would make false claims that U typed in the wrong account number? Debts that go to collections will always be part of your credit HISTORY. What Do I know about Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC? Theyve given me a wrong address to send a check to and told me to make the check payable to COLORADO State or Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC without putting an account # on the check. I was also told that I had to Follow up with their CORRUPT STAFF to get the balance on the account. Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC has been in business since 2008 and have had over 110 DOCUMENTED COMPLAINTS against them in 2013 alone. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- September 29 Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC 4500 Cherry Creek Drive South Suite 300 Denver, CO 80246 (303)755-5007 Called up Virtuoso Sourcing group to make a good faith payment on my Friends student loan that went into debt collections and spoke to Sarah Biles, the Compliance Manager, who pretty much let me know whos in charge. She kept reassuring me that Virtuoso is an ethical debt collection agency and theyre in the business of Helping their clients. I had to pull it out of Sarah Biles that I wanted her to send me a statement balance to my email after I put down $50.00 on the debt. Sarah and I were not on the same page because she kept insisting that Virtuoso Sourcing Group Debt Collection agency would send me a letter in the mail when the balance has been paid in full in spite of the fact that Im making a payment with a credit card. Initially Sarah Biles told me that she would be charging a $12.00 CONVENIENCE FEE to bill my credit card. When there was a long silence, she said, Oh no, there wont be a CONVENIENCE FEE. I thought that Virtuoso was in the People helping business? If I had to pay a $12.00 processing fee everytime I made a payment on my credit card towards the debt, I would send Virtuoso a check in the mail everytime I got in a better mood. Sarah kept telling me that shes reading from a script-- LOL--No Kidding!!@#$%^ Finally, we get down to making a one time good faith payment over the phone for $50.00, and what do you know, after I gave Sarah Biles my credit card number, we got disconnected. I called Virtuoso debt collections again and spoke with Christie this go round. I gave Christie the account number and Christie said, Is this Angela Benson? UNBELIEVABLE. Another person in the next cubicle said, I didnt hang up on you, Im still here. Mind you, Sarah Biles keeps reassuring me that they a legitimate and ethical collection debt agency that has my LAST NAME spelled incorrectly in their data base as Elers. You think Im not getting a little concerned by now? Im not so sure about the ETHICAL part of the SCRIPT or VIRTUOSO. Now you know why I didnt want to pay off the student loan for $6434.41 in full. The phone is handed back to Sarah Biles and said, I must have be on a mobile phone because She has NEVER been disconnected or hung up on a CUSTOMER before. I believe her too because shes in the people helping business who is trying her darnest to get me to pay the amount of the student loan in full and I have a landline phone and the only time Ive ever been disconnected from a conversation is when someone hung up on me or their battery in their cellphone died. Debt Collectors work on Commission. Needless to say, Sarah and I are not in the best of terms and are both speaking to each other in a firm tone of voice. Missy said to me that my credit card information did not go through because she did not have down all of the information. I knew that and that was why I was following up with her. Do you still want to pay the $50.00 ? she said numerous times to let me know whos in charge.I said, You said that already and thats why Im following up with you and you did not call me back. I can now see why my Friend has been having a Challenging Time with this Ethical Debt Collection Agency. Missy, Sarah Biles, keeps reassuring me that they have a reputation to uphold. O.K. Dokey. So once again, I give Missy, Sarah Biles, my credit card numbers, but this time with my expiration date, 4 digit code number AND THE CORRECT SPELLING OF MY LAST NAME. Sarah Biles has told me a couple of times that she will give me a confirmation number. I told Missy to run the credit card numbers through right now so Ill know that the payment has gone through. Sarah Biles said that she couldnt do that but the bookkeeping department can and theyll run my credit card numbers. Wouldnt you know it, the bookkeeper had gone home for the day. Therefore, they cannot run my credit card numbers through their system and I wouldnt be receiving a confirmation number after all. Missy (aka for Barbie) told me that she will either follow up with me tomorrow or I can follow up with her. I guess Ill be the one following up with Sarah Biles at 1-877-451-8518. Im am so WISE as to not have paid off the $6443.41 student loan debt in full. My conversation with Sarah Biles was anything but pleasant in spite of the fact that all she wants to do is what? HELP ME. Im for certain that Ive left off some of the details of this 50 minute psychotherapy session and will have more details to report tomorrow. I have zilch faith in this debt collection agency that they will mail me. What I think would happen is that I will charge the $6450.00 on my credit card and the charge will say that the bill went to Virtuoso collection agency who? I was thinking hey, Lets let the wave of politics take over and our leaders can see for themselves the Price of IGNORANCE is more costly than picking up the tab for a 2 year community college education. France Eilers Heres a whopper. Sara Biles told me, direct quote, It was Colorado State University who tacked on over a $1000.00 in interest before they sent the student loan over to Virtuouso Debt Collections. Needless to say, Sarah Biles lied about her name and said it was Sarah Bates. September 29 France Eilers Called uP VirtueLESS collection agency and was told that I could not get a hard copy of the student loan debt sent to my address unless I was on the account. I told Elma that I was on the account. She asked for the persons name on the account and the account number. Whoops, wrong account. she said. Can You see how easy it would be to pay off everyone elses debt but yours? Then Elma asked for my name and said that she didnt see my name on the account.....and then she did. Today is 9/30/2014 and Elma said that I will receive a hard copy of the bill in a week. of the student loan bill will go out today and I should receive it in a week. In a week I said? Today is 9/30/2014. Will it go out in the mail today? She said yes that it would. I will follow up with VirtueLESS collection agency in a few days. I also requested that Elma send the student loan debt to me at email address and she said, You want both? I replied, Yes I do. I asked her to verify my email that they have on file for me. Elma said, FRANCESraymonde@.... I asked her to spell it for me and she asked me how I spell it. I said, No, how do you spell it. She said, Franceraymonde@ and that I should receive it any minute. I said, Oh, I thought you said FRANCES. I informed her of the unpleasant conversation that I had with Sarah Biles yesterday and informed her that this is how life works. When VirtueLESS doesnt get anymore accounts sent their way and they are unable to collect on anymore debts, Then they will not be able to get any commission and their doors will have to close. Elma responded, Im trying to help you. September 30 France Eilers called VirtueLESS back up to ask who I make the check out to and Antonio asked for the account number. When I gave him the account number, he said, No, the account number usually starts with a 5 or a 6. I repeated the account number and he told me that I was right....The account number did not start with a 5 or a 6. I asked Antonio who I make the check out to and he said, Virtuouso Sourcing Group. Then he handed me over to Timothy, the account manager. I asked Timothy who I made the check out to and he said, Virtuouso Sourcing Group. I told Timothy, Guess what. Im going to put Virtuouso Sourcing Group and the persons name and account number so that the correct account gets credited. Otherwise, Im simply giving Virtuouso Sourcing group a check. He said that was right and to put the account number on the check. Then he said that I could call them back to see that the check has cleared. I told Timothy that I will know when the check has cleared because My bank will have a copy of the check and I will print the hard copy of the check for my records. Timothy informed me that I can call them back up and get an updated balance account once my check has cleared, which I will do. September 30 France Eilers People who work at collection agencies are antisocials who work on commission. Theyre your neighbors, people who you go to church with and stand behind you at the supermarket. Virtuouso Debt Collections in Colorado hire passive aggressive, narcissitic, antisocials / psychopaths. When I send them a check in the mail for $25.00, I have to call them up to see maybe or maybe NOT if they cashed the check. Theyll threaten YOU to no end and call you at 3:00 a.m. and at work, send you your bill in the mail but wont gie you an update on your account that has accrued interest unless you call them. Debt collection agencies are a full-time job. I wont pay any bill that has gone to collections because it has already effected my credit score. September 30 My Friend, whose student loan went to collections, called Viirtuous sourcing collection agency in Colorado and asked to speak with Sarah Biles and was told that they dont transfer calls and that she would call him back. SHOCKER. She didnt call him back but wasnt too busy to take my call yesterday after she hung up on me. For all she knew, he was going to pay off his student loan off in full. Sarah Biles is a controlling, manipulative psychopath. September 30 called Virtuouso sourcing group (1-303-755-5007) at 1:00 p.m. on October 2, 2014 to follow up if they sent me the statement that I requested on September 2, 2014, and the voicemail said, Thank you for calling Virtuouso Sourcing Group. If you know your parties extension, you may call it at anytime. I stayed on the line and hung up after no one picked up the phone for 3 minutes. Called back up again and received the same voice message and after 7 minutes, the call was discontinued. Perhaps my phone number has been blocked. Will follow up again tomorrow with this CORRUPT COLLECTION AGENCY to get as much ammunition that I can so when its time to go to court, I will have something to back up my claim. The reason why I called Virtuouso sourcing group several times in one day is because they PLAY in tag teams and therefore they can never stick to the same script. The calls are monitored and their goal is to push your buttons and make you angry or to have a meltdown and cry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Called up Virtuoso Sourcing group @ 1-303-755-5007 on my PrePaid phone and Virtouso Immediately picked up the phone this time around, and I talked to three different people. The first person who I spoke with, William, didnt have my name or address on my Friends account. He had an outdated address on my Friends account. However, he had my correct email address. He told me that it wasnt in their data base that a hard copy of the student loan had been sent out to my address. He also Told me that I had the wrong account number and that it usually starts with a 6. I repeated the account number and he found My Friends account. When I attempted to give William my full address, he transferred the phone to his supervisor. Sarah Bates told me that she just spoke with my Friend 30 minutes ago and wanted to know if he asked me to call. I said Yes and she wanted his phone number so that we can have a 3-way conversation. I gave Sarah Bates my landline phone number and she NEVER called. The phone was passed over to Watse Krol, if I have the right spelling. He had my correct phone number and address on File and told me that a hard copy of the student loan debt had been sent out to my correct address in Fresno on September 30, 2014. I asked Mr. Krol who I should make the check out to, and he said, Virtuouso Sourcing group OR the State of Colorado. I asked him if I should put the client number on the check and he said, Yes, or we wouldnt know where to put the check to. When I asked for Virtouso mailing address, He gave me: Virtuoso Sourcing Group LLC 4500 Cherry Creek SOUTH DRIVE. The address that is printed on the student loan debt is: 4500 Cherry Creek DRIVE SOUTH. Thats why I needed a hard copy of the bill. They dont even have the correct address on the student loan debt copy of the bill they sent me via email. I was given the privilege to call up Virtuouso ON THE FLOOR, at 1-888-982-6752 because they screen their calls at the (303)755-5007 pnone number. Sarah Bates or Biles told me that she just spoke with my FRIEND 30 minutes ago when I called them on my 1346 number. Mr. Krols told me that He just spoke with my FRIEND 40 minutes ago on the phone number they have on file for him --my 1346 number. When I called Vurtuoso Sourcing group on my 1346 phone number 30 minutes ago, no one picked up the phone after 3 minutes or even when I called back after 7 minutes. ---------------------------------- I just called Colorado State to get more information as to who I should make the check out to To pay off my Friends student loan. I was informed that Colorado State has written off the student debt and sold it to Virtuoso Debt collection agency for pennies on the dollar and to make the check payable to Virtuoso Sourcing Group. Because Virtouso sourcing group put down their incorrect address on 2 legal documents, taking my FRIEND to court is no longer an option for them. Virtuoso debt collection agency is making it impossible to pay off my Friends student loan debt for $6400.00 and turn it into $40,000 by accruing interest. My goal is to document every interaction With Virtuoso sourcing group (as recommended on the internet) and PUT THEM OUT OF BUSINESS. Virtuoso collection agency startup company started in 2008 and employs 51 - 200 people. October 8, 2014 I requested a hard copy of my friends student loan debt mailed to the address Virtuouso Sourcing Group LLC (Headquarters) has on file on September 30 and still no sight of the bill on October 8, 2014. Shocker ALERT. Called the 1-303-755-5007 that VirtueLESS has on The hard copy of my Friends student loan, and didnt get through because Virtuouso Sourcing Group likes to argue about whos in charge and they screen their calls. The last time I called the 1-303-755-5007, the Sharks on the floor did not pick up the phone because they thought it was my friend / realitive who was calling them and that they had, Just spoken with him. Left a message with Sarah Bates today at her direct line 1-888-982-6752, and she did not return my call. Another Shocker. Left a message for Sarah Biles at her direct line at 1-702-508-8619, and she too was also unavailable to answer the phone and so I left her a message. Lets give Sarah.Biles@Virtuososourcing some time of her Free Time to return my phone call. Did a google search to look up Virtuouso Sourcing Group LLC EXACT address and its different from the one listed on the bill of the student loan and what their representative told me. It is : 4500 E Cherry Creek South Dr....STE 300,,,Denver, CO...Zip code 80246-1531. Ill try the old fashion tactic to TEST Virtuouso Sourcing group and Mail them a check for the minimum payment required directly to their address with my friends patient code to see if theyll even cash the check.One of my favorite lines that I like the most in the Desiderata is : Speak your truth quietly & clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. Im in the midst of contacting the Better Business Bureau to attach this document to VirtueLess long list of complaints. in spite of the fact that Ill have to wait in line and take a number. OCTOBER 16,4014--Im just one person trying to make a payment on my Friends student loan debt and Virtuoso Collection agency has failed to mail me the bill as promised on September 30, 2014.. If Americans dont pay debt collectors, they wont be able to stay in operation and pay their water bill. As a result, their boorish employees will be unemployed and wont be able to honor their financial obligations. U get what U sew. A debt collection company owner and six employees have been charged with running an elaborate scheme that allegedly threatened more than 6,000 victims into paying $4.1 million in debts, federal prosecutors and the FBI said in announcement Tuesday in New York. Williams, Scott & Associates (WSA) of Norcross, Ga., was accused of being the base of scheme in which consumers whose debt the firm had purchased were threatened with arrest and other phony claims, if immediate payment wasnt made. Federal authorities said the companys employees lied to consumers by making such claims as being part of a federal task force. As alleged, this was nothing but a scam of total fabrication in order to coerce thousands into paying debts,FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge George Venizelos said in a statement. This scheme took advantage of our poorest and most vulnerable citizens from all 50 states. ... The defendants were nothing more than bullies with bogus badges. Play Video Nearly one-in-four Americans dogged by debt collectors In at least one case, an abusive collection agency actually tried to bully a man with a real badge: Richard Frankel, a top FBI official in New York City, got a call at his office from one claiming to be the IRS. It is common for debt collectors to be accused by consumers in civil actions of various illegal tactics covered by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. But it is unusual to see criminal charges brought in such cases. WSA, which the Federal Trade Commission shut down this summer over collecting payday loans debts that allegedly were never owed, routinely attempted to trick and coerce thousands of victims throughout the United States over the past five years, federal prosecutors said. Play Video ID theft and debt collection top consumer complaints The scheme involved debt collectors giving themselves titles like detective or investigator and telling consumers they had committed crimes and that an immediate payment could resolve their case. They told victims WSA was affiliated with the government, or, in other cases, that it was a law firm. To falsely create an appearance of legitimacy, and further trick their victims into making payments, WSA employees routinely used legal terminology to invent legitimate-sounding, but completely bogus, explanations for the supposed imminent arrest of the victims, federal prosecutors said. Those arrested include WSA owner John Todd Williams, 48, along with employees Benita Cannedy, 36; Rudy James, 32; Arthur Cook, 31; Christopher Lenyszyn, 46; Clark Smith, 39; and Titus McDowell, 38. They were charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud. All of those arrested are Georgia residents. . © 2014 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:47:18 +0000

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