10.31.13 GOD IS PREPARING YOU I Kings 17:8-9 (NKJ) 8 Then the - TopicsExpress


10.31.13 GOD IS PREPARING YOU I Kings 17:8-9 (NKJ) 8 Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, 9 “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” [Before getting into our devotional thought allow me to encourage you to give thanks for this anniversery date. Martin Luther walked up to the All Saints Church in Whittenburg Germany and nailed his infamous 95 thesis on the door of the church. Thus the begining in 1517 the Protistant Reformation, in part, rebelling against the errant fundraising tactics of the church to pay for absolution (forgiveness) of sins before they were committed. This revolution led by a corageous rogue priest brought us a better understanding of Gods Word.] TODAYS WORD: Elijah got a word from the Lord to go to Zarephath. It is important to note that the Brook at Cherith had dried up from the drought Elijah had pronounced on Judah (because of their flagrant idolotry). Elijah did not panic. He did not leave Cherith to look for water on his own. He waited until He got a word from the Lord. Many of us have a knee jerk reaction when our resources run out. We know something has to be done! It is in these moments that we will display for all to see who and what we are trusting as our source. Elijah remembered Gods covenant with him to provide... he didnt move until God directed. My friends, this is one of the hardest lessons we have to learn! Nothing ever takes God by surprise. Circumstances dont change Gods promise to provide. Learn to lean not to your own understanding but in all situations trust the God who has covenated to provide your every need according to His riches. Every word in Scriptures has significance. Zarephath means to refine (as a smelter refines gold). A smelter puts gold under fire to heat it into a liquid. Once gold liquifies the impurities rise to the top and the smelter skims off the impurities to achive a purity and excellence in the gold. This is exactly what God does with us. The difference is this: gold has no say in what happens to it - we do. We can cooperate or resist. In this case Elijah trusted God. If you are not familiar with this story look it up in the Scriptures. It will bless you and give you a lot to think about. God had directed a widow woman to provide for the man of God. The widow woman only has a handful of meal and a small jar of oil. Elijah requirs her to give him a small cake from this poor widows last meal she had planned to bake for she and her son completely had run out of food. She then planned to die with her son. Elijahs request is neither selfish or cruel. You can imagine what the headlines today would read if the media were reporting on this story! MAN OF GOD TAKES LAST MORSEL FROM POOR MOTHER AND SON. Yet, Elijah understood how God opperated and knew if the widow would have faith enough to follow his request God would supply both their needs. This nameless mother did as Gods word requested and the supply of this handfull of meal and the small quanity of oil did not run out until the drought had passed. What are you trusting today? Is God your last resort for resources? ... or do you turn to Him as your first option? You will not go wrong following Gods Word! CONFESSION: I am committed to first and foremost turn to you, oh God! I see you as my primary source for all that there is to be experienced. I will patiently wait to hear from you, your Holy Spirit, to derive guidance - leaning on you and not my own understanding. I know you love me and will never fail me.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:11:38 +0000

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