10 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Body:~ No 1. A - TopicsExpress


10 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Body:~ No 1. A sneeze that can blow you away: Yes, literally, blow you away; the highest recorded speed of a human sneeze is 165 km per hour or 102 miles per hour. And storms with wind speeds reaching above 119 km per hour classify as hurricanes. These super powered sneezes cause you whole body to suspend every other action momentarily, including the heart. So, next time you sneeze, be thankful that your body has resumed normal operations once again, recovering from a 100mph blow. No 2. Superhuman strength: Hysterical strength is the term used to describe displays of strength by humans which are way beyondnormal. It all happens due to ‘adrenaline’ and in extreme circumstances. The brain actually enables the muscles to overcome their normalcapacity and utilize their full potential by slowing down other non-vital functions of thebody like digestion and increasing heart and respiration rates. This is the strength displayed by women when they lift cars on their own in face of life and death situations. No 3. Racing Nerves: Nerve impulses can travel at speeds in excess of 400 km per hour or 250 miles per hour. This is what helps you pull back your hand off a hot stove without consciously thinking. Here is a video depictingthe working of the nerve impulses No 4. Everactive Brain: It is a little known fact that although the brain comprises only 2% of your body weight, it gobbles up 20% of your body’s total energy. And this is partly due to the more known fact that our brain is awake even when we are asleep. When we are sleeping, our brain is busy working to replenish brain processes needed to function normally while awake. No 5. Super Stomach: Otherwise used for pickling of steel, hydrochloric acid is produced by out stomach to help digestion. Hydrochloric acid is one of the most corrosiveof chemicals and is widely used as an industrial chemical reagent. Our stomach lining protects the rest of the body from the acid by producing a chemical buffer as well asa mucus lining. No 6. Tongue ID: Just like your fingerprints, your tongue print is also as unique. Maybe if we advance as the sci-fi movies depict, someday sticking out your tongue for IDing won’t seem that foolish or awkward. Apart from this, tongue also is the strongest muscle of the body. No 7. Perpetual beating machine: Your heart will beat nearly 3 billion times if you live the average life span of about 70 years i.e. 4285000 times a year, 119000 times a day and 4960 times an hour. It’s even more fascinating when considering that an averageheart weighs only 312 grams. No 8. Breathing bags: The total surface area of the lungs inside you is approximately equalto the size of a tennis court and if you were to unfold the 300 million air sacs in your lungs, you could cover an entire football field! No 9. Intelligent skin: Your skin actually produces antibacterial chemicals itself to keepgerms away. Yes, this does undermine the sales of antibacterial soaps but it’s true. Not only this, but the human skin also produces antimicrobial peptides that protect the body from infection. No 10. Easy Smiling: it is known that smiling is easier than frowning; it takes about 50% less muscles to smile than to frown. One other thing is that even smiling falsely will induce your brain to produce hormones that would actually make you happy.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 03:56:26 +0000

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