10 Basic Steps to not being a Soft Target 1. SA- having even the - TopicsExpress


10 Basic Steps to not being a Soft Target 1. SA- having even the most basic situational awareness of where you are and what is going on around you is priceless. Be observant, not paranoid. 2. Listen to the hairs on the back of your neck. If something feels or looks out of place, it probably is. 3. First Amendment/Freedom of Speech. If someone in your immediate area is acting “suspicious“, engage them in a friendly conversation. 4. Make eye contact. “The eye is the window of the soul, the mouth the door. The intellect, the will, are seen in the eye; the emotions, sensibilities, and affections, in the mouth. The animals look for man’s intentions right into his eyes. Even a rat, when you hunt him and bring him to bay, looks you in the eye.” -Hiram Powers 5. Talk less when interacting with strangers; allow them to carry the conversation. Humans are inherently sociable creatures. Adding long pauses with eye contact makes people feel uncomfortable; they naturally will want to fill this space with speech. This speech is often less filtered and tends to divulge more information than they would normally share. 6. If someone drops or leaves an item behind, immediately let that individual know > continue to #3. 7. When indoors, whether it be restaurants, lobbies or buildings, try to have a spot in the back of the room with your back towards a wall, with a clear view of entry points into that area. Again, not to be paranoid, but rather an attempt to passively establish an over-watch and awareness of your surroundings. 8. Take mental notes: clothing, eye color, identifying marks, accent and eye contact (or lack thereof), and other basic body language gestures > see below. 9. Always have fast access to a weapon of opportunity e.g. pocket knife, sturdy metal writing pen or key-chain weapon (discrete and legal in most states). 10. Mindset > Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet. -Maj. Gen. James
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:37:30 +0000

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