10 Biggest Mistakes Made In Relationships #1 Thinking Of Marriage - TopicsExpress


10 Biggest Mistakes Made In Relationships #1 Thinking Of Marriage As The Answer To Everything Some couples tend to think marriage will end the issues they have brewing up between them. Marriage is one of the biggest moves in life and it changes lives. But it is not wise to take the step before knowing if it will last or not. Some couples tend to fight a lot, on a daily basis, and they think once they’re married all of their problems will suddenly vanish. That’s not the case, marry ONLY when you’re sure of it and not just to save a dying relationship. #2 Faking Interests When you love someone, you love them for who they are. You love each and every little thing they do because that’s who they are. You try making them a better person by making their bad habits go away. But it doesn’t mean you start pretending to like what they do just to make them smile. Faking your interests in them will only make matters worse for later. Tell them exactly how you feel about them, their social life, their friends, their family, because you don’t fake in love if you mean it. Assumptions The word “assumption” actually makes me cringe. It is one of the scariest things to have in a relationship and it leads to nothing but a bad ending to a perfect story. Once you start assuming, you will make a habit of it and you will soon create an entire mountain of assumptions on your partner’s shoulders. Stop assuming and start asking if there’s anything you have doubts about. Relationships are built on trust, not assumptions. Just because they’ve made mistakes in the past doesn’t mean you just assume they’ll do it in the future. #4 Not Letting Go Of The Past Everyone has a past. It is wise to clear everything up even before getting into a relationship with someone to leave no room for doubts and assumptions later. Don’t cling to your partner’s past either, the past shouldn’t matter to you. You love someone for who they are not the baggage they carry. If you start snooping on them, it will only make you see things you shouldn’t have seen in the first place and it will break your partner’s trust because it was the past. Live in the present and work for an amazing future. #5 A Lot Of Giving And No Getting I’ve seen a lot of relationships in which one of the two do as much as they can to make their partner happy while the partner forgets everything they did for them in the middle of every argument and every rocky phase. Relationships are all about give and take. If you don’t cherish your partner for all the effort and time they spend on you, they won’t be around for too long because someone else will make them feel appreciated. Start giving back, love them the way they love you or even more. Cherish them before it’s too late. #6 Taking It Too Easy Some couples start off amazing and slowly lose the spark they had. It could be because they don’t find each other as interesting as they did before, it could be because of someone else being in their mind, it could be because of a lot of reasons but it shouldn’t happen in the first place. Keep the romance alive and be the same partner you were when you first fell in love with them. Keep the romance going and make the memories stronger. #7 Leaving Arguments Unsolved We’ve seen this happen a lot around us and it has happened to us as well. When an argument is left unsolved in the middle, it won’t go away. It will keep growing and come out in the form of a huge fight which will eventually lead to break up. Whenever any problem arises, make sure you solve it then and there. If you forgive your partner’s mistakes, forget their mistakes and never bring them up in future arguments, it will only mean you never forgave them in the first place. #8 Listening To Others More Than Your Partner Bringing a third person in the middle of your relationship won’t always end well. If you are facing a problem with your partner and you start asking the world for help it will obviously create a lot of trust issues between you and your partner. Couples Therapy is different, they are trained professionals and their only job is to make things work between you two. But when it comes to friends, everyone will give you their own opinion and it might make your mind think in too many directions which leads to over-thinking. And we all know where over-thinking takes us. #9 Being Jealous Of Each Other Relationships should never have the element of jealousy involved. You love your partner, you are not supposed to be jealous if they have a better job than you or a better social circle than you. You are supposed to be their strength and make them bigger in life rather than complain about how you can’t compete with them. It’s not a competition. Your partner will do everything in their power to make you a stronger person and you should do the same. #10 Clinging Too Much Everyone needs their own personal space. If you love your partner you should trust them enough to give them their space and not try to invade every second of their life. This isn’t the case when you’re married. Marriage is a blessing and after marriage you and your partner share the same life together. But when you’re in a relationship, you can’t suddenly take over their life unless it’s a mutual decision. Don’t make them feel suffocated and don’t make them regret the decision of being with you.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 13:18:10 +0000

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