10 COMMANDMENTS TO MAKING A LADY HAPPY:- 1) Call her at least - TopicsExpress


10 COMMANDMENTS TO MAKING A LADY HAPPY:- 1) Call her at least once a day, just to talk, say hi, or get to know each other better. No one ever wants to be forgotten throughout the day. If for some reason, you cant call her, at least send a text message or email telling her that you care. 2) Listen to her attentively when she talks. There is an art to deep listening. Its more than just hearing her voice. You have to know what she is saying and understand that she is trusting you with what she says. 3) Take note of her likes and dislikes. You want to make her happy, and giving her her favorite flowers is a lot better than her least favorite candy. Keep in mind what she enjoys. 4) Compliment her honestly as often as possible. If its not sincere, its not worth anything. Women appreciate it if you comment positively on their appearance from time to time. 5) Buy her flowers sometimes. It doesnt have to be all the time, and it doesnt always have to be two dozen roses. While red roses are popular, they are also very cliche. Try to be original. Remember, it is the thought that counts. A casual bouquet of flowers picked from a park or lawn on the way to her house lets her know that you are thinking about her. Try some bright colors, such as yellow, orange, and pink. 6) Take her to dinner. You dont always have to take her to a 5 star restaurant. Just go out to a place where you are both comfortable. Also, remember to cover the bill, but if she insists upon paying, let her pay the tip. 7) Be affectionate but not aggressive. You dont want to come off the wrong way. Make sure she is comfortable. Her needs should always come before your own. Do some things you like to do (baseball game, biking, etc.), and do some things she likes to do (see a movie, go shopping on occasion). You want to attain a happy medium between the two. 9) Buy her things that are meaningful and that she will enjoy. The gift does not have to be very expensive, as it is the thought that counts. 10) Be sure to spend quality time together. Schedule outings together like going to a movie, out to dinner, or just going to each others houses to spend time together. [♥] [♥] #mj
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:29:06 +0000

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