10 DEADLY ILL EFFECTS OF SMOKING Whether educated or not we all - TopicsExpress


10 DEADLY ILL EFFECTS OF SMOKING Whether educated or not we all know very well that smoking KILLS. But yet most of us do not seem to care about it till it becomes a serious health problem. Always remember if health is lost everything is lost. Smoking can cause various incurable diseases and lead to death. ‘ Hope these ill effects of smoking lead you to change your mind to quit smoking before it is too late. Ill effects of Smoking 1. Improper blood circulation Smoking over a period of time will infect your blood with nicotine and increase the blood pressure which can easily clot the blood. Hands and legs are the main body parts to first experience the coldness due to the clot. It also tends to make your skin grey and pale. 2. Lung cancer It is mandatorily written on the cigarette packets that smoking can cause lung cancer. Yes, it is a fact. Lung cancer originates from the tar and carcinogen in cigarettes. 90% of death because of smoking is due to lung cancer. 3. Heart diseases One of the major diseases of smoking is the ill effect on the heart. Carbon monoxide in the smoke, over a period of time will narrow and stiffen the arteries and thus reduce the flow of oxygen to the blood causing an increase in the level of cholesterol in the arteries. This adds to the risk of heart attacks, strokes, paralysis and weakness. 4. Bone Disease Smoking has high chances of weakening and damaging the bones and cause fractures. It can cause osteoporosis among women. 5. Cough We see regular smokers cough a lot and still continue to smoke. Smokers cough as it is known, is developed when the body spills out the toxins that are collected gradually because of the smoke. 6. Fertility issues If you want to conceive a healthy baby quit smoking right away. Nicotine in the cigarettes affects the fertility not only in women but in men as well. 7. Stomach and kidney diseases Smoking can amplify acid discharge and cause ulcers and swelling in the stomach and intestines which can cause unbearable pain and burning sensation. The entire digestive system can get upset. Smokers suffer a risk of pancreatic cancer. The carcinogens get deposited in the urinary bladder and cause cancer in that area and high blood pressure can damage the kidneys as well. 8. Loss of eye sight Quit smoking to protect your eyes. The contaminant in the cigarettes affects the retina of the eye. This can weaken and cause you to lose your eyesight. 9. Less energy The immediate and a common effect of smoking is weakness. Smoke reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood stream and the result is weakness due to low energy level in the body. A very common symptom is trembling of hands. When the brain gets restricted of optimum oxygen your concentration is affected. 10. Pulmonary disease Smoking can cause chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Over a period of time smoking deprives your lungs of oxygen and causes an illness affecting lungs and making breathing difficult. This disease will tag along with you forever. There is no cure but the only solution is to depend on oxygen tubes! Ya Allah ka karemu
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 18:38:20 +0000

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