10 Days Prayer THE LETTER FROM THE APOSTLE EZEKIEL GUTI TO ALL THE CHURCHES OF FORWARD IN FAITH ALL OVER WHERE IT IS IN THE WORLD IN PREPARATION TO ENTER THE NEW YEAR 2015 FOR THE TEN DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING. Greetings to you all in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Please read this letter slowly and carefully in every service during 10 days prayer, so that everyone understands. As we enter the new year with the 10 days of prayer and fasting, the year 2015 is The year of Walking in our inheritance practicing the Kingdom of God. Luke 12vs 32, 2Peter 1 vs 4. We need grace and understanding. Walking in our inheritance is walking in our blessings. Scripture says Prov 10vs22 The blessingoftheLordmakesonericha ndHeaddsnosorrowwithit. Thosewhoarerich through the blessing of the Lord they will have peace in mind, peace in family and peace in business. Scripture says in Prov 28vs20 A faithful man will abound with blessings but he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished. True riches you have to first lay a foundation step by step. We need the grace of God to be faithful, so the blessing will abound in us. Scripture says 2 Peter 1vs4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you maybe partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. We need to escape from corruption by learning to be faithful. When we are faithful, walking and practicing the Kingdom of God, we are partakers of the divine nature. To become rich you start small and go up step by step. You can only be rich by saving money. Financial breakthrough comes by saving money little by little not short period. The preaching that you must have a house, this and that and yet a person is straight from school or just starting work will cause a person who does not have a house to feel poor. It is not good preaching. It will cause many people to go and borrow and then suffer. In our ministry we do not encourage that kind of preaching. You only become rich through saving money. To be rich is having enough to eat, enough to send children to school, enough clothes for children, enough to pay bills. You are very rich. All extra is for helping others and your church. My prayer and desire is for you to prosper in and out. Let us as usual in all ten days of prayer and fasting have chains of prayer bands and have prayer conventions from 8-10 January 2015. Thank you for praying for me as I pray for you. God be with you. God bless you. God strengthen you. Yours servant of the Lord to the servants and saints of the Lord. E.H. GUTI WHAT TO PRAY FOR DURING TEN DAYS PRAYER 2015 1. a. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour,” Let us have revelation of God as what is said in this verse. For the President and cabinet to have revelation that will bring peace in the nation, so that our country has more investors. Everyone who works hard to have money. All who are in country politics, so that there is peace and healing of the nation. b. Peace to the nation. Jeremiah 29:7b, Proverbs 21:1 c. For peace of Jerusalem – Psalm 122:6 d. Rain in order for us to have a bumper harvest. 2. a. For Ezekiel TV channel those who are working with it to continue being enlightened with the vision. Thanking God for the committed sponsors whom God is raising. b. The running of Mbuya Dorcas Hospital and Mbuya Dorcas non-medicine Counselling and Deliverance Centre. The ZEGU University that is now running and completion of all buildings for other degrees. Faculty to catch the vision. c. For Good News Deliverance Explo and Travelling Teachers. d. For Provincial and District and church secretaries that they may not steal God’s money. Those who steal to be disciplined by God Himself. e. For the Secretary General and bishops at headquarters that they may be able to do all that enables the Servant and Apostle of God not to be over-burdened. f. For all our Bible Schools AMFCC Harare, Beira, Nampula Mozambique, Zambia and Ghana, UK and South Africa, Canada and Australia, teachers and students and Evening Bible Schools at every province that there will be birth of students full of the word of God and the burden to carry the vision forward. 3. a. For Sons and Daughters of Prophets that they may be protected by God, and have God fearing spirit, working together and listening to their parents. Ephesians 6:1-3 b. For single ladies and orphans. James 1:27 c. For both Girls and Mature Girls Fellowships to be filled with the spirit of preaching the word and self-control. d. For the Disabled Ministry that they may have successful projects. e. For EGEA Broadcasters for God to give them wisdom. f. For the Chaplains that they may have the burden to preach sinners and give counselling to those who need it. g. For the Ezekiel Guti Development Trust Board EGUDE (Saints Relief Fund Board). 4. a. For all our office workers old and young and Headquarters Administration that they may have spirit of work. b. For our HQ that it may be stable and have the value that goes in accordance with the vision that was given to the Servant of God. All who work there to fear God. c. For ZAOGA drivers, builders, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, electricians, painters, welders, gardeners, security, church caretakers and every worker of ZAOGA to know that whoever does the job whole heartedly will be rewarded by God. Colossians 3:23. Property management ministry so that we do not buy and build properties that are not well kept. (Elisha Manzou’s department) d. For FIFCAHSM to be revived that it finds opportunity to preach children that they may repent and also that Bible may not be unacceptable in schools because it is the one that gives character to our children. Headmasters and Teachers to be used by God in opening doors. Ephesians 6:12 e. Schools: Ezekiel Guti Community College, Grange Christian Primary School, Christ For Zimbabwe College, Kingdom Music and Dancing Ministry, FIF Children’s Homes Mutare and Mtoko. f. For Forward in Faith Youth Ministry that they may be safe and preach the gospel to the others, that they may have zeal to preach even in streets. g. Go Quickly & Tell God to use them in a mighty way this year. 5. a. For the first Deeper Life conference that will be held this month. God to give them ears to hear the word. b. For the Deeper Life Two and Three conferences to be held in different areas in April this year. God’s revelation for speakers to be used by God and have the spirit of building. People to be good soil that hears the word and apply what is taught by the Servant of God and to have spiritual ears and eyes. c. Revelation of God for many teams that will follow behind Autonomous Training Team teaching. d. For the Autonomy Assemblies to move in the vison, their administration to be clear. People to multiply and be filled with joy and spirit to win more souls. e. Understanding for ZAOGA FIF leaders who are in other countries, the Missionaries that God may enable them to be missionaries who focus in the vision and not be swallowed by the spirits in the country they are in. Also when they are discouraged with work not prospering, God to strengthen them that they may know that they are shepherds for God’s sheep. John 21:15-17 f. For those He uses as doors to allow Forward in Faith seed to enter that country, that they may understand that God had already planned with His Servant Ezekiel Guti for the seed to enter that country. g. For the new assemblies planted in Cuba – Havana and Matanza cities. 6. a. Like we always do every day not forgetting to thank God for our country that we have enough rain in order for us to have a bumper harvest. Those who are given inputs not to sell them. Those who are given fuel to use in farms not to sell but to farm so that our country can go back to its original development. b. For our country, economy to improve. c. For protecting all the believers who are losing their jobs that they may be able to do self-jobs and prosper without abandoning God. Daniel 5:23 (b) says, “And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron , wood and stone, which do not see or hear or know, and the God who holds your breath in His hand and owns all our ways, you have not glorified.” d. For visas that there may not be hindrances in every country where God open doors for the word of God to be preached. Romans 10:13-15 e. For FAMB (Families Builder Ministry) that it may be able to reach out everywhere so that families unite. To have a burden. 7. a. For Child Evangelism ministry for doing its job of lessening child abuse cases. b. For Youth and Men of Integrity to be quickened in their spirit to do the great work of God, so that they continue with conferences, inviting new people and the Deborah’s husbands. c. For the Blind & Sighted Integrations Ministry that they may preach their colleagues. d. For Dressmaking Schools that they may increase in number causing the name of God to be lifted and also for teachers to handle students with a good spirit. e. For ACBF (Africa Christian Business Fellowship) to be filled with the fear of God, and also to be able to help those who are starting to sell small things e.g. Bananas, peanuts etc. f. For Gracious Women and Husband Agape Fellowship for families not to perish, workers to unite and stay in the vision, to be able to have enough money to run their department. g. For ZAOGA Post Graduate Fellowship and (ZACOSF) ZAOGA College Students Fellowship to have the burden and zeal to preach their colleagues. 8. a. All leaders that they may walk in inheritance practicing the Kingdom of God and desire to seek God in a mighty way. b. Day to Day committee at our Headquarters, to have the wisdom in doing the work of God and judging issues presented to them. c. The pastors and their wives to be protected from the temptation of the love of money, women and pride, so that they have the heart of working for God not gathering things for themselves. Matthew 6:33 d. God to give us the pastors who value and know their church, who are faithful as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 e. Unity among pastors and believers for unity is power. That they may respect each other. Sheep to know the shepherd and the shepherd to know the sheep. To have fervent love for one another. 1 Peter 4:8 f. The evangelists and their wives, God to continue moulding and giving them burden of the work being followed with miracles, signs and wonders. g. For believers and Local Committees to understand their role, if anything goes wrong, that they may not backslide because of not forwarding their requests to leaders who are at the headquarters. To write the letter with their requests, also putting their names, the names will be kept secret for they will be saying the truth. We want to stand for them so that they will not get lost. 9. a. The Servant and Apostle of God Ezekiel Guti for God to continue moulding and strengthening his body because of the great work ahead of him, and going with the seed of truth to countries that have not yet received this seed. Romans 15:20 b. The wars that he faces and fights with some of them that he is not able to tell, so that God may cause him to triumph. c. The windows of heaven that they may open for him, a lot of money to be available for the work of God that need to be done in many countries. For people to value the importance of Missions Fund. d. That God gives him wisdom in accordance with the great work, that he may not be over-burdened with work. 10. a. For the Bishops, Overseers, the senior ones to have the fatherly and motherly spirit, to be able to teach the young pastors. b. Revelation of God for the spirit of intercession that it may grow deeper in intercession and desire to read the word of God. c. For our families that they may be surrounded by the grace of Jesus Christ. Casting away the spirit of death and accidents from all Christians. d. God to raise a lot of people who are gifted in healing, total deliverance, conducting Holy Spirit sessions so that the church will remain Pentecost. Every believer who is not yet filled with the Holy Ghost to have the zeal to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not relax without the Holy Spirit, so that we may be in the vision of walking in the Kingdom of God. Pastors and elders to baptize new converts. e. For the elders and deacons, and their wives so that they may be filled with the Holy Spirit and understand their church. f. For each and every department and ministry, let it go and preach with power the true gospel that delivers people from sin that causes AIDS, signs and wonders to be seen and the fire of God to rain. g. Praising Him for hearing us during the ten days prayer.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 10:04:50 +0000

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