10 FOOLISH WAYS YOU LOSE MONEY DAILY IN NIGERIA 1. UNNECESSARY PARTIES Most analysts have argued that most of these parties are completely unnecessary and most times do not add value to either the host or the guests. 2. INSISTING ON DESIGNERS, LABELS, AND BRANDS you can save money by choosing an off-brand over a fancy label. And in many cases, you wont sacrifice much in quality. Clever advertising and fancy packaging dont make brand-name products better than lesser-known brands. 3. SHOPPING AT THE WRONG STORE If you are Particular about price then dont just walk into any store, a Bottle of drink at MM2 will cost you almost thrice the amount you buy it at your neighbourhood fast food outlet 4. PAYING FOR ASHOEBI YOU MAY NEVER WEAR AGAIN, Today, almost all weddings, burials, Birthdays and even naming ceremonies now have a uniforms which organizers use! This is one of the Biggest drain pipes in most low income Families who can hardly afford three square meals but are willing to mortgage their 5 months’ salary for a 2 hours programme! 5. MAITAINING A FLEET OF CARS Most people keep a fleet of car to show the world they have arrived, However they fail to realize that their cars start diminishing in value the moment they drove out of the show room. The Insurance, licensing, and maintenance is an unnecessary expense for a vehicle you drive once in a month! 6. MULTIPLE GIRLFRIENDS OR SUGAR BOYS. Women are wonderful creatures; history is replete with men who died because of women only to have those women become concubines of the men who killed their lovers. A Man with a retinue of girlfriends will have to Buy Credit for Dupe, change wardrobe for Ngozi and pay house rent for Fatima all these add up to keep the young man’s account in perpetual red! 7. LEAVING YOUR MONEY IN A LOW-INTEREST ACCOUNT If youre stashing your cash in a traditional savings account earning next to nothing, youre wasting it. Make sure youre getting the best return on your money. Fix any money you dont need and earn good returns from your bank instead of paying account management fees to a bank which charges you for using your money. 8. NOT PULLING THE PLUG ON ELECTRONICS Electronics that have a clock or operate by remote are typical culprits. The obvious way to pull the plug on your energy vampires is to do just that -- pull the plug. Or buy a device to do it for you, such as a Smart Strip Power Strip which will stop drawing electricity when the gadgets are turned off and pay for itself within a few months. 9. BUYING AT THE WRONG TIME! This mistake could sometimes have devastating effect Its is dangerous to Buy a Land or House during dry season because the area might be prune to floods or the Land could be water logged. 10. BORROWER! Pls Borrow me =N= 500,000 I have a business deal I must close tonight? Many people have lost millions and made great and wicked enemies just because they choosed to help. The wisdom here is never lend out an amount you are not willing to forget!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:46:36 +0000

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