10 Foods That Burn Fat Make sure to stock your fridge with - TopicsExpress


10 Foods That Burn Fat Make sure to stock your fridge with these foods - and BTW never to early for - Italian Long Hots and San Marzano Tomatoes!! Spring is almost here, which means that many of you are getting ready for your warm-weather and body-bearing clothes. If you are hoping to lose weight and show off your long lean muscles this spring, in addition to hitting the gym (tell me you have not waited all winter) and doing yoga, make sure to stock your fridge with foods that burn fat. It is true that foods do indeed have qualities that require more energy to digest. Others stimulate certain hormones that cause the metabolism to speed up. And still others cause changes to our body temperature, which requires more energy to maintain to where it needs I be. So, while fat burning food doesn’t seem to really exist, you can certainly work foods into your diet that may help you consume fewer and burn more calories, while also speeding up your metabolism. Celery Celery contains cellulose, which gives it the taught, rope-like texture that makes it tough to chew. Because this vegetable requires a lot of energy to masticate and move through the digestive system, we may burn more calories eating and digesting it than it contains. Egg Whites Egg whites are extremely low in fat and calories and high in protein. Our bodies love protein, the building blocks of all cells and tissues, and take their time to break it down. The more time it takes to digest, metabolize and use up food, the more calories we burn. Chili Peppers Chili peppers contain dihydrocapsiate (DCT), a compound which research shows increases the temperature of the body thereby causing a thermogenic boost that burns more calories. Thermogenesis is a natural process the body undergoes to burn stored fat. With a little added spice, the thermogenesis process becomes stronger and we burn more calories. Hot peppers also speed up heart rate, which can result in greater calorie torching. Beans and Legumes Beans and legumes are very high in fiber. High fiber foods make us feel full for longer. They can also take longer to digest than other foods. The consequence? We are inclined to eat less, which naturally results in the consumption of fewer calories. Chia Seeds Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, anti-oxidants, and protein. When you mix chia seeds with water, they gel and make you feel fuller. (Try a Matcha tea with chia seeds!) Additionally, chia seeds regulate insulin, preventing insulin resistance and sugar spikes. Finally, omega-3s turn on glycogen, a fat-burning hormone. Omega-3s also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps reduce metabolic disorders. Salmon Salmon also contains omega-3s and stimulates the production of insulin and thyroid hormones. Insulin extracts glucose from our cells to keep our blood- sugar levels stable. Thyroid hormone speeds up our metabolism and thereby may burn calories. People with a hyperthyroid condition produce an excess of thyroid hormone and tend to lose weight. When people have an under active thyroid the metabolism slows down and they often gain weight. Coffee Coffee is a stimulant that increases adrenaline secretion. Adrenaline puts us into fight or flight mode, a state in which our bodies use more energy to execute challenging tasks at hand. Cinnamon Cinnamon helps move glucose through our system, avoiding the buildup of blood sugar and conversion of glucose to glycogen or fat. Green Tea Green tea contains EGCG, which is said to cause the nervous system and brain to work faster, helping to burn calories. The more we think, feel, and do, the more we burn! It also contains catechins, a phyto-chemical which may briefly speed up metabolism. Ice Water Ice water demands that our system work extra hard to maintain correct body temperature. As the body works to heat up, it burns more calories. Just helping you out! TDM
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:55:38 +0000

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