10 Lessons I’ve Learned About EntrepreneurshipBy Brandice N. - TopicsExpress


10 Lessons I’ve Learned About EntrepreneurshipBy Brandice N. Daniel Ive had my company, Harlems Fashion Row, for 7 years now. We will celebrate our 8th year anniversary on August 17th of this year. I can honestly say that its take 7 full years for doors to open with ease. Up until this point,By Brandice N. Daniel Ive had my company, Harlems Fashion Row, for 7 years now. We will celebrate our 8th year anniversary on August 17th of this year. I can honestly say that its take 7 full years for doors to open with ease. Up until this point, its been a struggle and an uphill battle. When you are like me and have only an idea, passion, and drive its not easy. You see, when I started HFR I didnt have any connections or money, but I knew this was an idea that could change the lives of many so I pressed forward. I started saying that its taken 7 years for us to see success, but then I found a flaw in that statement. Ive actually been successful even during the tough times. Its all about how you define success. For me, Ive decided to define success based on daily wins. Ive had many of them and Ive learned many lesson. I want to share the top 10 lessons Ive learned from starting HFR:Lesson 10 Follow up is required. When someone gives you their card, its an invitation to stay in touch. Lesson 9 Be nice. Being a southern girl this comes easy and is not quite welcomed in Fashion, but Ive found that being nice opens many doors.Lesson 8 Act as if its already done. I could expand on this, but it would be long. Lesson 7 Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision.Lesson 6 Hire people that know more than you, have better connections than you, and can execute better than you.Lesson 5 Be prepared to fall on your face. The best wins come from the times when you have faith all the way up until the last second. Lesson 4 Go big. Going small doesnt inspire anyone. It wont even inspire you, so dont waste your effort going small.Lesson 3 Have fun! Sometimes we can get so stressed and anxious about executing our ideas that we dont take the time to enjoy the process. Enjoy!Lesson 2 Introduce yourself in unique ways. Make new contacts. Dont be afraid to call or email people that dont know you. Most of my major relationships have come from just sending an email or making a call. However, do it with finesse. Send cupcakes or a nice hand-written note. These unique introductions go a long way. Lesson 1 Jump the Cliff. You have to just do it. Put it out there to everyone so that you stay accountable and make the leap! I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment on some of your top entrepreneur or life lessons. Brandice ift.tt/1gB4pon
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:05:51 +0000

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