$10 MILLION LAWSUIT … SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPT….. TRAFFIC STOP RAPE… Michael Cuellar and John E Foddrill Sr. will meet with attorney Tim Maloney and present documents / recordings proving that SAPD Chief William McManus, SAPD command staff, City/County officials, Bexar County DA Susan Reed and others have conspired for years to conceal criminal activity including public / police corruption. The vicious, horrific traffic stop rape by SAPD Officer Jackie Neal was preventable. In February 2013, San Antonio Tx Police Chief William McManus, Bexar County District Attorney Susan Reed, SA Mayor Julian Castro (“Obama for America” campaign co-chairman), former city attorney Michael Bernard (brother of White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard) and others were named in documents submitted to US District Judge Xavier Rodriguez (Free Speech lawsuits 5:13-CV-00051 and 5:13-CV-00091). Evidence and recordings submitted to Judge Rodriguez show how illegal, unconstitutional criminal trespass warnings were issued banning entry into City Hall and public meetings in an effort to conceal criminal activity inside the SAPD, SAFD and the City / County while Bexar County Tx District Attorney Susan Reed, local FBI agents, several Texas Rangers and others helped conceal the criminal conspiracy. In typical South Texas fashion, corrupt attorneys and a corrupt federal Judge stall the proceedings to help hide the public/police corruption for their own benefit. In a recent development US Attorney Steven Yarbrough of the New Mexico District opened a criminal investigation into the Bexar County Tx corruption and has been provided with proof that Reed, Bernard , McManus , Castro, City Council members, local FBI agents, Texas Ranger Hank Whitman and others are at the center of an ongoing criminal conspiracy to cover up long term public/police corruption , bond fraud, grant fraud, theft of public funds, contract fraud, “fraud upon the court” , HUD fraud : hl-10-0465 and other criminal activity while they target innocent law-enforcement officers and public employees for retaliation in an effort to silence them. Yarbrough’s office has been provided with proof that attorneys and a federal Judge are stalling lawsuits in an effort to hide the criminal activity and that the judge failed to recues himself or disclose a serious conflict of interest. Yarbrough, the GSA and the DOJ have also been informed of the fact that the building site for the new federal courthouse was illegally transferred to the federal government during an illicit city council meeting on Oct. 14, 2010 in violation of the law but that Project Liaison- US District Judge Xavier Rodriguez has kept this fact hidden for almost a year while supporting efforts to obtain $110 million to begin construction……all the time while presiding over TWO lawsuits naming the corrupt city officials who illegally transferred the land and millions of dollars as defendants. …….typical corrupt South Texas courtroom drama….. mysanantonio/news/local/article/10M-lawsuit-filed-for-alleged-SAPD-traffic-stop-5190834.php
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:44:44 +0000

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