10 More Different Facts About Me As I See People Doing Multiple & - TopicsExpress


10 More Different Facts About Me As I See People Doing Multiple & Listing Different Variety: 1) I moved to Virginia from Pennsylvania in 2005sh. I had lived in PA 6th grade-college, and before that moved to various states as an army brat. I never had a friend next door or girl next door. My closest friends were made College-Present, most live 3-6 hours away from em though in the present day. as I went to private high school where people werent friendly. My mom sent me there because she saw a shooting on the news at my local high school and didnt want me to go there. When I moved to Richmond, Va, I worked alot of Midnight-6am jobs where i slept during the day and worked at night, so i didnt make local friends when i moved here or any close by until I found out about the anime convention scene, which i didnt know there were such things as anime conventions until I moved to Virginia after college. 2) I started cosplaying in 2008, at anime mid atlantic ,as Android 17. 3) When I was 25, I was diagnosed with colon problems that run on my dads side of the family. It craeates anxiety&stress, and also can cause anxiety and panic attacks. However after I found a great doctor, got it mostly under control. Only if im totally caught off guard do i have health issues of anxiety and pain. 4) I have cosplayed all the characters/series ive cosplayed, to become the character i loved watching or reading, to do photos with my friends also portraying their favorite characters, and to get away from real life stress every 3-4 months. I do not spend money on hotels, cosplays, energy supplements to get me through the weekend for anything else. Case in point i go to hang out with friends and make new friends, that is all, my metaphor is conventions have helped me make a ouran host club like family. 5) I still to this day will never forget when I had one of my first really bad anxiety attacks in the car. I was in Virginia Beach, I think winter 2009 going into 2010, shopping and 2 hours away from home. I was being cosplayed bullied for the first time and didnt even know such a thing existed. 3 people who were new friends of myn i met from the convention scene helped me breathe and take my body and mind back into control. Those 3 people were Markus Revels who i believe was at work when he talked to me on phone, then Jordan Christopher Young who was one of my most brand new friends i met through Jordan Mufasa Chambers and though jcy barely knew me, he talked to me on phone and calmed me down, and 3rd of course was Jordan Mufasa. 3 People that were relatively new friends, that i met at anime conventions, saved me from going to the hospital. So when you go to cons, make friends, dont be shy and quiet, you might meet some amazing people who become amazing friends. 6) Why do you always now adays see me in kuroko no basuke uniforms. I played basketball all my life, and for first time besides prince of tennis, they are cosplays i can use my real life sports skills for photos, friends, and just have fun with the basketball. I will probably be cosplaying that alot all of 2014. 7) Why do I cosplay John Cena. Is he my favorite wrestler? The answer is no, hes not my favorite wrestler, but one of the people I respect the most in the last couple years, that respect and people in college calling me in my throwback jersey attire your a muscle-less cena, you look like him and dress like him and you dj and mc hip hop, but you dont have his muscles. So from that point i did him every Halloween. Then in the con world i did him pre-reg thursday when it was hot out. then i met Denny Lugz Tavernite who got me to cosplay cena on regular basis whether he was at con or not, he inspired me to cosplay wrestling more at anime or comic conventions. For the record, Shawn Michaels is my favorite wrestler, and Michaels got me into watching wrestling when he was in the tag team called The Rockers. 8) Again, the name Draco did not come from the Harry Potter character. Though I like Harry Potter. Im at age 31, and I made the name prince draco up when i was in middle school for a dungeons and dragon game at a friends house who lived behind me. The name popped in my head from sean connerys voice of the dragon Draco in Dragonheart. 9) I have a medical sleeping disorder, where i mostly only sleep 6am-noon. This was caused from previous jobs and after trying everything, basically i learned to live with it. This also causes me to take lots of energy supplements during the day, especially at conventions. 10) I hope 2014 is a good year where I prosper career wise, money paying bills wise, relationship wise, friends and fun wise. I need a good year. Ive yet to line up everything all in one year.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:11:48 +0000

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