10 REASONS WHY NETWORK MARKETING IS NOT FOR YOU (By Luis A. Garcia) 1. If You Want to Get Rich Quick. A lot of people get involved with MLM because they are lured into a money making scheme. If you run into a website that is one page long with fancy pictures of cars, boats, homes and money you have come across a capture page. Some of these pages are for the purpose of getting you to submit your email or phone number only to sell it to someone else. If you find yourself at an opportunity presentation and the main topic is how much money you’re going to make, you probably fell into a pyramid or Ponzi scheme. Remember if you join a company because of the opportunity to make money you will have to recruit the same way. People get sold things all the time and being sold a money-making-scheme is big business but not the best business for you. 2. If You Think it will be Easy. Being told it’s easy and that you’re going to make a lot of money seems to be the norm of MLM schemes. I actually get insulted when people post web pages online that say there are no products, no recruiting, easy money and nothing to do. An MLM business is no different than a traditional business. I’ve never met a successful business person who didn’t work hard to get where they are. The only difference between an MLM business and traditional business is the start-up cost for MLM is much less. Because of the low cost of starting a MLM business you have more people that quit. I always tell my prospects that they need to have a college student’s approach when starting a home business; they need to buy books and tools, they need to listen to their teachers, they need to study and apply themselves and the most important of all, they need a four year commitment. 3. If You Don’t Like Talking to People. Some people have a hard time telling others about MLM. Here’s the key. If you find a product that works and is better, you will naturally talk about it. If the opportunity is stronger than the product, you’re going to have a hard time sharing it. Think about it like a good movie you just saw. How many friends will you tell about it? Or a restaurant with good service, great food at a reasonable price, won’t you tell your friends and family to go and eat there? It all falls back to having a great product you believe in and will share naturally with others. Trust me, you will have no problem going on stage in front of hundreds of people to share your story with no fear what so ever if you helped a lot of people and made money along the way. 4. If You Have a Salesman Personality. Sales people are not trained they are born. I know because I am one of them. I started selling paper subscriptions for the Miami News when I was 14 years old and I was really good at it. With MLM it’s not about selling it’s about sharing. On the other hand if you’re involved in a money making scheme you were most likely sold that business. If you’re a sales person involved in a legitimate home business opportunity and are selling it you will make it hard for your team to duplicate. Especially those who are not like you. When you share your home business with others, always keep in mind that they are looking at you and asking themselves “can I do what he just did?” Persuasion and closing techniques don’t apply to MLM. Concentrate on sharing techniques and good ways to get people to look at your product or opportunity. Once you get them to genuinely look, a good percentage should buy. If they don’t then you might not have a viable product. 5. If You Can’t Set and Meet Goals. Most people over estimate what they can do in one year and under estimate what they can do in Five. And many others simply don’t set goals. If you can’t imagine what your business will look like in a few years how are you supposed to get where you want to go? Success starts with imagination and setting small and big goals. All of the top earners I know are goal driven and they write them down in order to visualize and see them every day. Create a vision board with the places you want to visit, things you want to buy or charities you want to help. I have a hard time understanding how people get caught in an employment rut and settle for trading in their time for money. The best time to start a home business is when you have a job and things are going well, not when you lose your job and things are not going well in your life. Success breeds success, and people who are doing well with their jobs have a much greater chance at succeeding with MLM. 6. If You are NOT Coachable. Coachable people all share 5 distinct character traits; humility, activity, purpose, trust and faith. Humility teaches that there are things we need to do that we cannot do on our own. People who are coach-able take action. If you are not willing to get off your butt and get to work nothing will ever get done. “Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life.” ~Tom Thiss A strong purposes will lead you to a level of greatness that no one would have thought possible. If you don’t trust your teacher in what he/she is showing you there is no way you will learn. Find a mentor because if you don’t you won’t make it in MLM. How many times have you heard someone tell you, “Don’t get your hopes up.” How crazy is that! The people that reach success in anything are the ones that have the most faith in what they are doing. The problem with life is that it must be lived forward and only understood backwards. In my own experience this is especially true when it comes to working with a coach. 7. If you Can’t Follow a Formula or Recipe. When you join a reputable MLM company and find a great mentor all you have to do is what you’re told. A good network marketing company will already have a proven plan of action that if followed correctly will get you and your team to duplicate. Try to avoid creating your own marketing techniques or gadgets this will only confuse your down-line. Do and follow what’s already been done before. The best MLMers just follow what the leaders are doing and what the company has already laid out. If you want to bake a perfect cake get the right recipe and follow it exactly how it is written down. Don’t deviate and start adding you’re own ingredients. It won’t taste the same. 8. If You Listen to Friends & Family. The closest people in your life can be the most brutal when starting a home business for the first time. Especially if you haven’t been trained on how to approach them. I would stay away from friends and family your first year in the business unless you have a few friends you feel comfortable exposing to your new venture. Remember it’s not about selling its about presenting your opportunity at the right time. The people who are closest to you know your faults and will remind you of them every time you try to get them to join you. Don’t get overly excited and avoid dumping your offer on friends and family. 9. If You Have Stopped Learning and Dreaming. When we were kids we all had BIG dreams that filled us with excitement. When some of those dreams didn’t come true (like being an athlete, astronaut or veterinarian), they were always replaced with new dreams. When we were young we didn’t let the non-achievement of one dream get us down for too long. But as we got older we began the downward spiral into a state of resignation– resigned to all the things that went along with taking a steady full-time job with a reliable paycheck instead of trying to make a living from our passions. We aren’t exactly conscious when we stuff down our dreams. But we are conscious of the fact that we are getting used to the “Sunday night blues.” The right MLM opportunity will get your blood pumping again, get you to dust off those dreams that have been laying dormant in the back of your brain. If you don’t have BIG DREAMS you won’t get started with your home business. 10. If You Like Being an Employee. Unfortunately 80% of the population is not cut out to be an entrepreneur. People who can’t or won’t perform for money would much rather get a guaranteed check at the end of the week. Stop trying to convince them otherwise! You will get less aggravated by avoiding these types of folks. Look for successful people who are driven and not satisfied with what they do. You can avoid the headaches of taking to people who have no interested in leaving the “Rat Race”. You can’t say the right thing to the wrong people and you can’t say the wrong thing to the right people. If they are ready to make a change and you come along with a great offer nothing will stop them from partnering with you. Keep getting the Nos because the YES is just around the corner. youngguns.me/2012-06-25_10-reasons-why-network-marketing-is-not-for-you/
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:48:57 +0000

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