10 REASONS WHY PROPHET T.B. JOSHUAS GUEST HOUSE COLLAPSED. 1) T.B. Joshuas reference to the aircraft does not suggest that the sound of the aircraft or breeze blew down his guest house, no, but rather an indirect or direct stuff from the aircraft must have hit the guest house people should understand what this prophet is talking before they start accusing him, make reasonable arguments. Technology has gone very far beyond the interpretation of an unupdated minds particularly Africans. e.g. We never knew an envelope could be a bomb up until Late Dele Giwa was affected. Which turn the man into pieces of meat in few seconds. That was when their British lecturer knew he had a Nigerian in his class room, who was an igbo tribe. 2) Some people are stupid how can a man who used N50 million to train a footballer free of charge in Sweden and spent millions of dollars on charity, toy with a guest house building project for international delegate, where presidents, governors and all kind of world leaders gather. It is nothing but a set up. ls he that poor even if he turned a two stories building into ten. lts a church of world class citizens and best brains. 3) It happened in the day time when the bright clouds and the sun could not allow anyone to see a flash light of any explosive or device. 4) The sound of whatever they shot at his lodging site was over shadowed by the counter sound of the aircraft and the sound of the collapsing guest house thus people could not differenciate the effect of there evil mission. A sound is not enough to detect an explosion as light travels faster than sound and besides some equipments has the capability to effect and affect a target without sound e.g. LASER BEAM. Its projection can cut a vehicle, diamond etc., into several parts without direct contact. 5) Size does not determine the effect of an explosive device. Certain tiny explosives are as small as bean e.g. c4 yet can cause a greater damage more than twenty pieces of hand grenade put together. 6) T.B. Joshua who was the primary target of this attack was not in the collapsed building as he normally goes there to pray for the foreigners. 7) The aircraft or the helicopter came closer to the guest building 4 times closer as it circles the church to have a pin point accuracy in its target, as it flew 4 good times lower to the building for execution of its assignment. 8) For helicopter to hover on a particular spot 4 good times means its looking for a target and position and there is a mission. 9) As a scanning consultant, the aircraft must have being scanning the building from a distance and kept adjusting and coming closer until the 4th time when the speed of light was faster than the speed of sound. Abacha had scaning vehicle when he brought failed bank tribunal for his enemies. China banned iphone 6 due to wall scanning reasons and other national security reasons 10) Few minutes after the the departure of the aircraft the building collapsed means that a shot has hit the target and aircraft left the scene immediately. Finally, the reason why they are after T.B.Joshua is still very simple it an old military tactics kill the shepherd the ship will scatter blind the eyes the whole body will be in darkness by a prophet the Israelites came out of captivity and by a prophet they entered there promise land. 2kings 6vs 10 to 18 tells it all or watch films like the Scorpion king part one. A KING WITHOUT A PROPHET IS BOUND TO COLLAPSE. Via T.B. Joshua PDP recovered from APC disasters plots, via T.B. Joshua the 3rd world war was averted when he warned American president over IRAN No wonder this fallen female ARCHANGEL called Lucifer which is a female adjective with his luciferous and luminous nature and precious stone bodies(metalic) with a physical primary property of sound which gave him an advantage as a choir master in heaven later sent away from Heaven, came here producing 100 of musical stars with awards carved as idol organised by Nigerian and AMERICAN IDOLS living in the oceans and controlling the marine kingdom as the queen of coast cooling of his body temperature as he moves to and fro at the speed of light with files of accusation against the saints, seated upon many waters and dividing the world after waters, who hates women and is scared of women each time they are pregnant because of GENESIS 3vs15.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:07:15 +0000

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