10 Reasons Why India is AAP +ve 1. Raise above Media - TopicsExpress


10 Reasons Why India is AAP +ve 1. Raise above Media Criticism There is unconfirmed report that huge amount of money has been paid by the lobbyist to biased opinion about A political leader. This is the oldest strategy by any political outfit but AAP is working exactly against it. Sustained Criticism from media could turn nightmare for any political party or person. But AAP looks unaffected so far finding 242 capable candidate and making approx. 1 crore member in the country. Media inspite of the sudden surge in the party growth turns blind eye on it. The recent statement by AAP chief that he will hold enquiry of any such paid – news scam and will put the culprits behind bar bought huge controversy. But In a way this helped AAP gain confidence of those looking for honest politics. 2. Anticorruption Crusader and AAP Anna hazare fielding for TMC chief Mamata Banerjee and then VK singh , Kiran Bedi like turn sides to BJP brining more focus on AAP Supremo Arvind Kejriwal. People around the country started asking question why is it so important for people first said that they will not join politics join Anti AK forces. So far the opposition of the congress and BJP in the Delhi assembly showcasing opposition to Arvind Kejriwal tabled Jan Lok pal bill only show the true face of these political parties and their connections with BIG INDUSTRIAL FISH. Following false statement by Anna hazare allegedly saying that he has not received any response form AAP or Arvind Kejriwal on tis 17 point agenda helped AAP. 3. Challenging Status Quo So far AAP is the only political party fighting with its full potential in terms of values it is the only party that has promised to curb not only the corruption but also the dynasty politics which is helping it look different. Their views on communal forces will definitely fetch them Anti BJP and Pro Congress votes. Congress poor performance in the last 10 years and poor leadership can only be held responsible for that. 4. Social media & campaign strategy During the Delhi 2013 AAP was the only party that has used the social media with its full capacity that any other political party could have. This has definitely helped them to go live with On - the - Go Generation. On the other side their innovative way of campaign has helped lot. Their control and team effort in the IT is so obvious that the Even the congress Vice President Acceptance that they need to learn from them. 5. Criticism Criticism can destroy anything in any part of the world but this is India. Here is most criticized is the most famous. It works fine in politics too. From internal to outside everyone has questioned the AAP unlikely they have so far to RG or NAMO or any other for that matter. This criticism helped AAP grow to masses. It gave them chance to do homework. Well how can the most criticized be un-noticed? This is India and Indian loves criticism and it helped AAP. 6. Country and politics This time elections are very special for youth ; the magnitude in which the total number of the voters added is tremendous. They look for the change and have faith in AK & his ability they are extremely demanding and somehow lost the faith from current political leaders. This is where AAP comes into action they know this is huge vote. These people who can come out and campaign for them. I vote for you I campaign for you” This is what they say; this is something new and will help aap in the 2014 7. Openness AAP year old party now they are contesting for the as many as all the possible seats. Why? And how. The reason lies in how many people know aap and their leaders, it phenomenal many people know aap because of their leaders such as AK (Arvind Kejriwal) he has given so many interviews that Namo and RG have not given combined together in last 10 years. AAP realizes that these days closed politics is very bad for the growth of the Political Outfit. Decision in the close room is old story. Everyone seems to be in the contribution mode. They want direct participation. And AAP is the right place for such people .. 8. Raise Voice Question Everything There are serious allegations made by AAP; for many its mealy drama but common man loves it. That’s fact he may not care about GDP growth but will care if gas prices hiked by five rupee. AAP seems to be the only party with such street issue and local public interest & in addressing the grievances. They question anything, anyone & anywhere. This is the most beautiful thing and their greatest weapon which they are using and will help them in 2014. 9. Innovation From social media to print media from Auto s to Cars from banners to TV. Their way of doing things are different. They won’t say Vote Me; they say Vote yourself. It’s you are the one who wins or lost after the elections. There way of categorizing issue is very differential. They Integrate people with Idea. Unlike the traditional way of break –en –rule politics. There innovative way of communicating things is exceptional and provocative will help AAP in 2014. 10. Amplified Sustenance At last but not the least. Delhi forecasted 7 to 17 seats and finally AAP end up forming minority govt with 28 MLA s this is something nowhere closes the political history of the country. With the everyday the AAP s challenge increasing their aspirations are also taking new flight. What they want is what I want what probably every Indian want
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 08:38:28 +0000

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