10 Reasons Why Kejriwal Winning Delhi Is Good For India 1. We - TopicsExpress


10 Reasons Why Kejriwal Winning Delhi Is Good For India 1. We hated CMs being imposed by a high command. We rejected the culture of sycophancy. Let us not promote it again. Let us vote for a leader who we know will be accountable to us and not to any high command. 2. We need to create alternatives to Congress. The left is dead and gone. We need to create a strong opposition. We need checks and balances. Authoritarian rule in a multicultural country like India will create social conflicts that will harm our economy too. 3. AAP has changed the discourse from caste-and religion-based politics to transparency and accountability. We must persist with this directional change. 4. Every politician today from the big national parties have been tried over the last 65 years. There is a severe scarcity of honest leadership. Time to vote for honest people in politics. Governance can be learnt but honesty is a part of our DNA. 5. AAP has also pushed the existing national parties to include clean, fresh faces and made corruption amongst politicians a central issue. It is important to keep that pressure on national parties. A win of AAP will force them to junk the rotten and embrace fresh blood. 6. There is a strong sense of complacency at the centre. The intent has been there but actions have been few and far in-between. The government led by Modi needs to be pushed. A loss in Delhi will hasten the process of reforms and change. Delhis population is just 1.4% of India and a defeat of BJP will not cost the country at all. However, It is a good laboratory to check and push positive governance. 7. It is crucial to silence the religious bigots and ultra right fanatics who have become a headache for Modi too. It is time to bring the train back on track for reform and change, and also silence these looneys. 8. Modi has been elected as the Prime Minister of India. Delhi doesnt need him as much as India does. I find it an idiotic slogan that I should vote in the name of Modi for the CM of Delhi. I am not ready to bury federalism without a fight. 9. Kejriwal ruled for 49 days. Modis been in power for almost eight months. While we have judged AAP for 49 days of governance, we are willing to give more time to BJP. I think we should give more time for an alternative style of governance to emerge. 10. There seems to be too much importance to one person. We need multitude of leaders and multiple voices. The congress was not good in governance and neither good as an opposition. It is time we create a voice that speaks up and is heard. AAP and Kejriwal can be that voice. #MufflerMan From AAP vs #BlufferMan From BJP #WalkWithKejriwal
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:29:51 +0000

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