10 Richest Recording Artists - 10大富有歌星排行榜 Hi, - TopicsExpress


10 Richest Recording Artists - 10大富有歌星排行榜 Hi, guys! This week I’m going to reveal the world’s 10 richest recording artists. I recently read an article on CNN Money that really caught my eye. Not because of how wealthy each of these performers is, but rather because of who makes it onto the list. A few of the names may surprise you! Let’s get started! 嗨, 大家好! 這個禮拜我將要揭露世界10大富有歌星的排行榜。最近我在CNN財經版上讀到 一篇讓我眼睛為之一亮的文章。並不是因為這些表演者有多富有, 而是什麼原因讓他們出現在這個排行榜上,其中也許有些名字會讓你感到訝異! 讓我們開始吧! 10. BEYONCE – $440 million. Beyonce comes in at #10 and is the youngest entertainer on the list. The 33-year-old Mrs. Carter is the spokesperson for a number of well-known brands including American Express, L’Oreal and Pepsi. She is also married to hip hop star Jay Z. Together, the couple’s net worth is just shy of a billion dollars! 10. Beyonce(碧昂絲) – 4.4億美金。碧昂絲在這個排行榜上排名第10,也是最年輕的一位演藝人員。這位33歲的”卡特太太”是一些知名品牌的代言人,包括美國運通,萊雅和百事可樂。她和一位嘻哈歌手Jay Z結婚,他們倆人的財產淨值,保守估計將近10億美金!! https://youtube/watch?v=k4YRWT_Aldo – 7/11 – Beyonce 9. ELTON JOHN - $450 million. Sir Elton John has a musical career that spans over four decades. Most recently, the 67-year-old Rocket Man has appeared on the Las Vegas stage. This British icon has his fingers in many pies, having established both an Entertainment and Sports Management Group in 2011. 9. Elton John(艾爾頓強) – 4.5億美金。艾爾頓強的音樂生涯已超過40年。最近,這位67歲的”Rocket Man”在拉斯維加斯的舞台上演出。這位英國偶像跨足在很多的領域,並且在2011創立了一個集娛樂和多項運動於一體的經營團隊。 https://youtube/watch?v=SsuHAn54wPs – This Train Don’t Stop There Anymore – Elton John 8. JAY Z - $510 million. Beyonce isn’t the only Carter to make it onto our Top 10 list. 45-year-old Shawn Corey Carter (Jay Z) may have 99 problems, but an empty bank account ain’t one! This hip hop mogul co-founded Rocawear in 1999, and then sold the rights to the clothing brand in 2007 for $204 million. 8. Jay Z – 5.1億美金。碧昂絲並不是卡特家族裡唯一進入這個排行榜的成員。45歲的Shawn Corey Carter(蕭恩•蔻利•卡特/Jay Z) 或許有很多問題,但是口袋空空絕不是其中之一! 這個嘻哈大亨在1999年創立了Rocawear這個服飾品牌,並在2007年以2.04億美金將它賣出。 https://youtube/watch?v=0UjsXo9l6I8 – Empire State of Mind – Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys 7. MARIAH CAREY - $520 million. Carey, 44, has been a fixture on the pop charts for over two decades. Carey has sold more than 200 million records worldwide and has won 5 Grammy Awards. Mariah Carey has tried her hand at acting as well music producing. She was also recently a judge on the reality TV show American Idol. 7. Mariah Carey(瑪麗亞凱莉) – 5.2億美金。44歲的凱莉20多年來一直是流行音樂排行榜上的常勝軍。她已經在全世界賣出超過2億張的專輯並且獲得過5座葛萊美獎。除了擔任音樂製作之外,瑪麗亞凱莉也正在嚐試著演戲。最近她還在電視實境秀”American Idol”(美國偶像)這個節目中擔任評審的工作。 https://youtube/watch?v=0IA3ZvCkRkQ – Hero – Mariah Carey 6. BONO - $590 million. As lead singer of the Irish rock band U2, Bono (and his sunglasses) is one of the most recognizable figures in the music industry today. The frontman may be best known for his philanthropy as of late. The 54-year-old has also been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize a number of times. 6. Bono(波諾) – 5.9億美金。做為愛爾蘭搖滾樂團U2的主唱,Bono(和他的太陽眼鏡)是現代音樂史上最具象徵性的人物之一。近來,這位主唱最為人津津樂道的就是他所從事的慈善事業。這位54歲的主唱已經好幾次被提名為諾貝爾和平獎候選人。 https://youtube/watch?v=XmSdTa9kaiQ – With or Without You – U2 5. CELINE DION - $630 million. This Canadian singer has been belting out love songs to adoring fans worldwide for some time. However, most recently the 46-year-old crooner has taken up residence in desert, signing a lucrative deal to perform in Las Vegas until 2019. Dion has been billed as the most profitable act in town. 5. Celine Dion(席琳狄翁) – 6.3億美金。這位加拿大歌手以她高吭的情歌歌聲征服了世界各地的歌迷們。然而最近這位46歲的歌手因為簽下了一個可以在拉斯維加斯表演到2019年且進帳可觀的豐厚交易,她已經開始喜歡定居在這個沙漠城市了。狄翁的歌聲已經被被喻為是這個城市中最具吸金效益的表演。 https://youtube/watch?v=T6wbugWrfLU – That’s The Way It Is – Celine Dion 4. SEAN COMBS - $640 million. You may know this Harlem-born performer as Diddy, Puff Daddy, P. Diddy or Sean Combs. Regardless of his stage name, one thing is certain, Combs, 45, has tremendous earning power. In addition to being an accomplished rapper, Combs is also a record producer, actor and entrepreneur. 4. Sean Combs (尚恩•庫姆斯) – 6.4億美金。你或許是藉由Diddy, 吹牛老爹, P. Diddy或是尚恩•庫姆斯這些稱呼,認識了這位出生在哈林的表演者。但無論他的藝名是什麼,有件事是確定的,45歲的庫姆斯有著驚人的賺錢本領。除了是一位多才多藝的饒舌歌手,他同時也是一位唱片製作人,演員和企業家。 https://youtube/watch?v=k-ImCpNqbJw – Dirty Money – Coming Home – Diddy ft. Skylar Grey 3. DR. DRE - $650 million. It’s unlikely that anyone will forget about Dre, particularly after his blockbuster sale in 2014 of his high-end headphones company, Beats Electronics to Apple for an astounding $3 billion. The 49-year-old rapper is also the founder of Aftermath Entertainment. 3. Dr. Dre – 6.5億美金。不太可能有人會忘記Dre,特別是在2014年他將Beats Electronics這家專門製造高階耳機的公司,以令人震驚的30億美金賣給蘋果公司。這位49歲的饒舌歌手同時也是Aftermath Entertainment的創辦人。 https://youtube/watch?v=VA770wpLX-Q – I Need a Doctor – Dr. Dre ft. Eminem / Skylar Grey 2. PAUL MCCARTNEY - $660 million. The now 72-year-old McCartney first came to prominence as a member of The Beatles. However, during his time with the fab four, McCartney only earned around $7 million. However, a music career spanning half a century has helped Sir Paul reach #2 on our list. 2. Paul Mccartney (保羅•麥卡尼) – 6.6億美金。現年72歲的保羅麥卡尼首次演出是以披頭四樂團的成員開始的。然而,在披頭四的日子裡,麥卡尼只賺進了七百萬美金。但是,超過了半個世紀的音樂生涯,幫助了保羅先生進到排行榜的第二名。 https://youtube/watch?v=aLEhh_XpJ-0 – Say Say Say – Paul McCartney ft. Michael Jackson 1. MADONNA - $800 million. The Queen of Pop can afford to live the life of a material girl! Madonna’s music career covers three decades. She has sold over 300 million records and shows no signs of slowing down. Madonna has undertaken endeavors in the world of fashion, children’s books and movie directing. 1. Madonna (瑪丹娜) – 8億美金。流行音樂之后可以過著一個物質不虞匱乏的優渥生活! 瑪丹娜擁有超過30年的音樂生涯。她銷售超過3億張的專輯,而且絲毫沒有退燒的跡象。她承諾往後將會致力在時尚,童書和電影導演等事業發展上。 https://youtube/watch?v=EDwb9jOVRtU – Hung Up – Madonna There it is! Top 10 Richest Recording Artists. Did the inclusion of any individual on our list surprise you? Was the omission of any performer’s name puzzling? Whose position on our list did you find the most dumbfounding? Don’t forget to comment below. Cheers! 就是這些啦! 前10大富有歌星排行榜。榜上有沒有任何一個排名是讓你感到驚訝的呢?有沒有哪一個表演者在這個榜中缺席呢?誰的名次讓你覺得最不可思議呢?別忘了在底下留言喔! Cheers!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 03:05:15 +0000

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