10 Satans commandments today Satan enters the Doctor and proves - TopicsExpress


10 Satans commandments today Satan enters the Doctor and proves his wisdom that has scientific evidence that his teachings ispravna.To in itself has a P -vitamin. (Popularly satisfaction) because it is in the soil of its scientifically proven wisdom: (surely!), All that worldly pleasure, all these exhibitions, all these dances, all these fashion shows, all Miss Universum, and all Playboy or Playgirl newspaper, ...?) Popularnost.Samo ahead! So you are the greatest and most correct church in gradu.Ok, so you kažete.Ona has in itself Z -vitamin (common sense). have it your volji.Također there is in -vitamin (speculation) .Tamo they umuju.Tamo has also, L vitamin (beauty) .because Satan is prelijep.Grijeh the foot (sticker) and what sin has more and more it becomes even more beautiful! what we now have a better home than those in the past? How are our women today more beautiful than those in the past? How beautiful cities than they were in the past? How are we beautiful mountains and the sea than in the past, because it still carries the beauty, because Satan is beautiful and he wants the beauty and even better its members in his kingdom! Here are 10 Satans commandments today that he personally heard and told one pastor from America: 1.Nedajte them, whom Christians, to listen to the quiet voice (it is the Holy Spirit) who tells them to pray and to read the Bible every day until they are the quiet voice (it is the Holy Spirit) is fully leave. Do not let them read the Bible is constantly but occasionally! 2. When they starved Soul, Do not let them starve them to death, but neither totally dead, but keep them in bad condition and nedajte to become solid Christians! Because once you learn a lot, they will seek God and there may be real experience, and we must not allow it to me, that their right scale experience! Let there be restless, but never serious and nedajte them to yearn for being born! 3.Način to keep them away from the Word of God, the Bible and prayer: try to satisfy them with the natural three-dimensional things (money, houses, cars, ...) Reason: some natural things take place stvarima.Samo spiritual, let: Jurassic, Jurassic, Jurassic (travel); go (trips), go, go, work, work, work and buy buy buy! Reduced to a JRK .Zamijenite their spiritual with material things, as with fashion shows, cookery, ... Let them deal with things around the church (building), but nedozvolite them to be born again through the Church! Let there be a religious character, but nedajte to relax too much, hire them, let them be busy and immersed in earthly things, because that would be unemployed stared at himself so that they repent and obrate.Neka be compassionate and busy! 4. Do the Bible verses we invert: Matthew 6:31 -34! mt 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear? mt 6:32 All these things do the Gentiles seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. mt 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added. mt 6:34 Take therefore no thought for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Some are concerned about what to eat and drink and some facing the fashion in this three-dimensional svijetu.Ne not to worry; but to think and worry, worry and care! Distractions for tomorrow and do not believe in tomorrow, a lot of the day is the evil her! 5.Budite sure that there is at least one person who has a low opinion of him (her), but not more than five persons, because if more will understand that in them the problem and he will regret! 6.Nemojte not accidentally allowed to testify, because if they spoke the word of God with their lips that they will build faith, for the others say about God and will become winners, but we do not we can not allow! Before you start to remind them to testify 5-in-command of the previous, that someone has a low opinion of them, remind them to make them feel guilty, you have given a lie, that they lost their nerves, remind them constantly! they do not realize that these are our (Satans) thoughts, they think it their misli.Ne allow them to speak the Word of God! Keep them in self-criticism, whisper to them that you are beautiful, you are not popular, youre ugly, youre glupan.Neka see: their pimples, their proteze.Neka be self-critical: none does not like us. 7th Do not let them your thoughts and heart focus on the promises, but they point to problems, and preach to them, thats all wrong, nothing is wrong! Let them be the way it razmišljanja.Ako they ever be uttered aloud: all the wrong and nothing goes wrong , then you can Demons go on vacation, they will be caught in a trap of their own words from their usana.Tako let them out loud to izgovaraju.Sve they say to go naopako- it will go wrong! let say, (s) he will never change; I can not change and when it excuses, then you go on vacation Demons! 8. Be sure that they compare their lives with other people! Let them look around and some still believe that the grass is greener at the neighbor, tj.sa other side of the fence! This will have major consequences, as one) will become jealous; so if you have the money, tell them you do not have friends; if you have friends, tell them you do not have money, but let the constantly feel they have less luck! Let them look and uspoređuju.Nedajte to see that they have life as it is their God ordained, but that has netkoživot better than them! Everyone has a iskušavanje.Neka turn green with envy, thats another of our (Demon) boja.Neka are never satisfied or happy! Let them think: that others have a better marriage; or finance; etc; some fantasize: when I come to this in životu- then I will be sretan.A when there come to again say, when I come to this in životu- then I will be happy, ... Provide them to think that there are various phases of life when you will be happy, and when we (demons) we know that all (happiness) comes from God! Fill them head fantasizing, let them my wish list. its a mental starvation and keep them in the spiritual defeat! thats what we want to demons, spiritual downfall! Do not let them to be satisfied with material goods, specify them to seek happiness in material and emotive stuff! 9th May come to church and sing the songs you love to sing and clap your hands and let the good and religious feel, because true believers know the difference between religious spirit and their true Holy Spirit and I hate (Satan) to say it! So they hold that only satisfied and happy but religious, but they never come into contact with the Holy Spirit, that they nedajte at any price! When you preach the Word of God, Do not let them at any price to have a change of mind and heart, let it not even pokušavaju.Slušajte me (Satan) Demons: The Church is hell for the devil! Shepherd Jeff Jenkins says, because they Restaurants Satanic church! Theyre constantly preach through music, and dance and nudity. Satan, this their church is our hottest item! We have to keep: tired, sleepy, and poražene.Sve do you have to do, to the point that the trap your fingers baby screaming, only Do not let them hear and obey the Word of God! Let their thoughts are focused on the problems, problems, problems, or Do not let them thoughts centered on Gods promises, Gods promises, Gods promises! Let them look at the baby that is in front of them and that is so cute! Let them think about the stomach and you have a home to eat, but Do not let them hear what the preacher says! The Church is our hot spot, it is a demonic hell, and be sure that they do not find out! Keep them too busy in stock! We do not want deep convictions, only passive knowledge that this is true, that we recognize that this is true, because if it gets into their hearts, they will preobraziti.Tako, while the preacher speaks, you entertained people: some scratching; let them be proud; some criticize; some are depressed, anything, just do not listen to preachers! 10th Turn over them verses Strong. 1:22 - 25, upside down! strong 1:22 Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. strong 1:23 For if any be a hearer of word and not a doer, he is like a man beholding his natural face in a glass: strong 1:24 after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. strong 1:25 And that oglŽedŽa the perfect law of liberty and continues to do this, not a forgetful hearer but a doer will be blessed in what he does. strong 1:22 Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Satan: You be just hearers of the Word, and the Word exercisers NO! Because when they hear the word and start the exercise, it will change your life! Listening only not life-changing. Because, pastor Jeff Jenkins: Mercury is effective and the Word of God, and she became flesh! We are the bride of Christ, we are not just words, we are living the Word made flesh! William Branham: It becomes a body, tj.živa, when we allow the Word that flows through us. The Holy Spirit! For if anyone hears the word and does what it says .... For eg .: viewing, TV, video, movies, actors, and we do not think it affects us, but we are still through to shape Because I shape the one where we spend most of the time! Because what we eat - and to become! That which we eat - and -to become! Where is our mind and thus feeding him - and to become. That we become and so behave. Thus, for example .: get killings, mass murderers, cannibals, suicide, prostitution, drug addicts, violence, ... because they exhibit (do) what they see (ie. What are fed - with that are programmed)! The way a man thinks in his heart, - such is! From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! So we are - what we eat, that is. What we eat, what foods we take! God says, If you abide in Me and My Word in you, ask what you desire and you will be! Hallelujah! What then is sin? Sin is nevjera.Nevjera in the Word of God! Thats why they have the additional S -vitamin (and this is the strongest, the result is death) .This is the most beautiful trained group of people who carry the most modern, the largest organization, the wisest ..Zivko Gaspar(Croatian – EU);zivkogspr@gmail;Facebook:Zivko Gaspar; Skype : Z.GASO; Cellphone: +385923234107.Holy kiss! Živko Gašpar Živko a capella-POTRAVLJE je SELO MOJE-https://youtube/watchv=YCQVpgCFRe8; Živko a capellaNEĆU,NEĆU DIJAMANTE https://youtube/watch?v=vnanWgS8BWc
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:58:24 +0000

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