10 Simple Beauty Swaps That Work in a Pinch (1).Lemons for an - TopicsExpress


10 Simple Beauty Swaps That Work in a Pinch (1).Lemons for an Exfoliating Scrub Cut a lemon in half and rub it over your face for a few minutes. The acid is full of cleansing properties and helps sloughs off dead skin. Bonus: It can treat blackheads and clear up acne. More lemon-based beauty secrets 1. Clear up your complexion. Because lemons are very vitamin- and nutrient-rich, they are known for their cleansing properties and offer an added bonus during exfoliation, says Ariel Ostad, M.D. and dermatologic surgeon in New York City. Lemon juice can help with everything from cleansing and hydrating to removing blackheads and clearing up blemishes. Theres no juicing required for a fast exfoliator either: Simply cut a lemon in half and rub it all over your face for five minutes. Rinse with cold water. 2. Even skin tone. Nothing ruins healthy skin faster than an unsightly acne scar or dark spot. Thankfully, some studies have shown that the acid in citrus juices can help lessen the appearance of scars on the skin. Not only can lemon juice help erase scars, but the oils in lemon also helps essential vitamins penetrate the skin easier, making skin heal faster. Squeeze lemon juice onto a cotton ball or pad, and rub along the face before rinsing with cold water. There are plenty of beauty products that you can substitute for fresh lemon juice, too. Good Housekeepings beauty director, April Franzino, likes Juice Beautys Green Apple Peel ($39, juicebeauty), which is chock full of lemon juice to improve skins tone and texture. 3. Brighten nails. Combine three tablespoons of olive oil with one tablespoon of lemon juice to create a mixture that will condition and make nails appear brighter. The acid from the lemon helps clear up any buildup on the nails, leaving them whiter. And the olive oil hydrates. 4. Lighten hair. As a teen did you ever squeeze lemon juice on your hair in hopes that it might give you some natural highlights? Turns out, it actually works. Robert J. Dorin, D.O. ACOFP, a hair restoration surgeon, and Medical Director of True & Dorin Medical Group, says that when mixed with the suns rays, the acid in lemon juice can make your hair lighter. Want to try it? Mix fresh lemon juice with warm water in a spray bottle and spritz the mixture throughout your hair. Then, sit out in the sun for up to an hour to get the best results. 5. Soften dry elbows. Just as lemons can be used as a gentle exfoliator for the face, the same can be said about dry, rough elbows. Add lemon juice to baking soda until you have a grainy paste. Scrub it into your elbows to buff away dry, dead skin. Rinse with water and more lemon juice, and soften with lotion or olive oil. 6. Keep dandruff under control. A mixture of water, ginger root, lemon juice, and olive oil can help slow down cell turnover and decrease the amount of skin shedding from your scalp. Pour the treatment all over and let it dry before you shampoo it out. If youre wary about making your own treatment, or youre missing some ingredients, Franzino recommends Lushs Rub Rub Rub sea salt and lemon scrub ($22, lushusa). It works on both body, face, and scalp. 7. Fix an at-home tan. Sunless tanners are a mainstay for colder months when outdoor activities are limited, but that doesnt mean you have to live with a streaky orange tan. Rub a halved lemon over the area that needs to be buffed up. Keep applying until the tan evens out. If youve run out of your favorite shampoo and have no time to hit the store, you might have a quick fix already at home. Try any of these tricks for smooth skin, clean hair, and flawless makeup. (2)Oatmeal for a Gentle Cleanser If you suffer from acne-prone skin, you can soak up your excess oil in minutes with a DIY oatmeal mask. Just heat up a small amount of oatmeal, let it cool, and apply it to your face. Rinse after a few minutes and moisturize like normal. (3)Honey for a Rich Moisturizer Because its a natural humectant, honey can add much-needed moisture to your skin and hair. Feeling extra itchy? Spread a tablespoon-full on your face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. There are three reasons why we love honey: Its a humectant, meaning it keeps things moist, its antibacterial so it stops the growth of bad-for-you bacteria, and its hygroscopic, meaning it has some serious healing powers. Got a jar lying around? Put it to good use in your beauty routine: 1. Moisturize skin. In the dry winter months, your skin is screaming for some extra hydration. Make a one ingredient moisturizing mask by spreading one teaspoon of pure honey on your face. Let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. If thats too sticky for your taste, try Lather Honey Moisture Mask ($22, lather), which has the same moisturizing benefits. 2. Clean pores. Mixed with oil such as coconut or olive, honey can become a killer makeup remover and cleanser. Rub a few drops of both oil and honey into your skin to unclog pores. Rinse the mixture with warm water and a clean cloth. 3. Exfoliate dead skin. Add sugar or coffee grounds to honey for a sweet body or face scrub. Combine two tablespoons of either to two tablespoons of honey to create a paste. Rub this onto your skin in a circular motion and rinse with warm water. For a store-bought version, consider Kiehls Crème De Corps Soy Milk and Honey Polish ($11, kiehls). Like pure honey, it promises to leave your skin soft and smooth. 4. Fade scars. Manuka honey is starting to make waves in both the medical and beauty world as a natural way to speed up the healing process. Apply a small drop of honey daily to an old scar and watch it fade faster. You can also apply honey to a small burn to help it heal faster. Just be sure not to apply it to an open wound — honey might have bacteria in it and could aggravate an existing cut. 5. Condition hair. Add honey to coconut or olive oil and apply it to damp hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Were fans of the Herbal Essences Honey, Im Strong Strengthening Conditioner ($2.50, amazon), which uses the power of honey and apricot extracts. 6. Kick your bath up a notch. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey into one cup of hot water for about 10 minutes. Add a few drops of essential oils (we love lavender), and drop this mixture into a warm bath for a relaxing and soothing soak. 7. Remove unwanted hair. Hate the hair on your upper lip and chin? Instead of going to an expensive salon or buying a store-bought version, make your own wax. Mix one tablespoon of raw honey with three tablespoons of brown sugar and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Boil the mixture until it turns brown. After it cools slightly, add it to your skin with a popsicle stick. Apply a cotton strip and rub in one direction. Gently, but quickly pull the cotton against your hair to remove it. (4)Coconut Oil for Blush Newsflash: The dewy look is in, and you dont need an expensive blush to achieve it either. Highlight your cheeks in seconds with a swipe of coconut oil — it brings out your natural pigment for a rosy glow. You know that its a healthy alternative for cooking, but did you know that coconut oil is great for your skin and hair, too? Heres how to add it to your beauty routine: 1. Remove makeup. With a cotton pad, gently apply it to your face to wipe off your foundation, eye shadow, and more. Then, follow up with your nightly cleansing regimen. 2. Moisturize skin. It can soothe dry hands, save cracked feet, and even heal dry cuticles. Simply rub a small amount into your skin and reap its moisturizing benefits. Or, add your favorite scent to whipped, unrefined coconut oil for a fluffy, moisturizing lotion. You can also rub it on chapped lips as a last-minute remedy. Yum! 3. Slough off dead skin. Like olive oil, its the perfect base for an easy homemade body exfoliator. Simply add a handful of granulated sugar, ground coffee, or salt to create a thick paste. Scrub it along your body, hands, and feet to remove dead, dull skin. Our beauty director April Franzino also suggests trying The Body Shops Organic Virgin Coconut Body Scrub ($28, ulta) for a soft, smooth complexion. 4. Brighten your face. Coconut oil is an inexpensive way to recreate a youthful, dewy look. Just dab a little bit along your cheekbones — it lightens cheeks just like a highlighter and it even brings out the natural pigments in your face. No blush required! 5. Shave your legs. Out of shaving cream? Use coconut oil instead. Your razor will glide down your legs just as easy, and, when youre done, youll be left with silky soft skin. 6. Tame frizz. Rub a small amount on pesky flyaway hairs in a pinch. Franzino really likes 100% Pure Coconut Oil Hair Shine ($10, thebodyshop-usa). Just dont add a lot or youll overload your hair with too much oil. (5)Petroleum Jelly for Mascara Petroleum jelly is great for many things, including healing scrapes and burns. But if youre a beauty junkie looking for an easy way to get great lashes without heavy makeup, it has you covered. Grab a few of those freebie mascara applicators from your favorite makeup store and brush Vaseline into your lashes. Theyll appear darker and longer instantly. Discovered in Pennsylvania oil wells in 1859, petroleum jelly started out as a go-to healer for cuts and burns. But now, the list of its benefits has grown exponentially. Everyone knows that the oil-based beauty staple, which has both moisturizing and lubricating properties, can help keep diaper rash at bay or relieve chapped skin. However, that’s not all it’s good for. See our list below. 1. Open your nail polish bottle with ease. Using a cotton swab and a small dab of Vaseline, spread the jelly inside your nail polish cap. The Vaseline will prevent the nail polish from sealing the lid shut, which makes it easier to remove it the next time you want to paint your nails. 2. Make perfume last longer. Dab small amounts of Vaseline on your pulse points — your wrists, behind your ears, behind your knees, and even on your ankles — before you spray on your favorite fragrance. The Vaseline absorbs the scent for a more lasting effect. 3. Protect your skin when you dye your hair. If youre an avid user of boxed hair dyes, you know its tricky to avoid getting dye on your skin. Vaseline can help. Spread it along your hairline to create a layer of protection before application. Not only does it make clean up a breeze, but you’ll avoid getting color all over you skin. RELATED: A Flat Iron May Be Able to Color Your Hair » 4. Save your cuticles. Even if you’re not using petroleum jelly as an all-over skin moisturizer, you might want to dab some on your cuticles each night. It can keep you from developing cracked, dry fingertips. 5. Help you become a manicure master. A nail painting novice? This tricks is for you. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline around the edges of your nails, so if you make any mistakes, the polish won’t stick. 6. Exfoliate your lips. Simply add a bit of sugar to Vaseline and apply it to your lips. Rubbing them together for a few seconds will remove any flaky skin. Then, rinse off the sweet exfoliator and add a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your lips to moisturize them. RELATED: 9 Skin Treatments You Can Make Yourself » 7. Create lush lashes. If youre running low on your fave mascara, Vaseline is an easy alternative. Brush on a small amount of the jelly to make your lashes pop. 8. Prevent Swimmers Ear. Vaseline could save your ears if you swim a lot. Dip a little on a cotton ball and then mold the cotton ball into each ear before you dive into the water. This keeps any unwanted moisture out. 9. Alleviate chaffing. Runners, athletes, or anyone who strolls a lot in hot, sticky weather, knows that chaffing can be a painful way to ruin a nice summer day. Spread a small amount of Vaseline on vulnerable areas — like between your thighs or under your armpits — for instant relief. (6)Baby Oil for Makeup Remover Just because youre out of your go-to facial wipes doesnt mean you can skip removing your makeup at night. Luckily, a bit of baby oil works just as well. Add a dab to a cotton ball and swipe it over your eyes, lips, and face for a quick removal. Dont have a bottle of baby oil? Use coconut or olive oil instead. 1. Clean makeup brushes. Need to remove gunky buildup from your brushes? Simply put a small amount of baby oil on your hand or a plate. Swish your brush around, rinse in warm water, and then lay flat to dry. (Note: Be sure to do this every four to eight weeks.) 2. Remove eye makeup. Well say it over and over again: Its really important to remove all your makeup before hitting the sack. For your eyes, apply a small amount of baby oil on a cotton ball and gently wipe it across your eyelids until all traces of makeup are gone. 3. Moisturize skin. Use it everywhere — face, arms, legs, and elbows. Have cracked heels? Rub some baby oil on your feet and then put on socks — it will help heal them overnight. 4. Hydrate nails. If your cuticles need a little TLC, simply add a small dab — a little goes a long way — of baby oil for shinier, healthier-looking nails. 5. Prep your legs for shaving. Baby oil — like olive or coconut oil — can be used in place of shaving cream. Just slather it on and start shaving! Bonus: Your legs will feel more moisturized. 6. Exfoliate skin. Mix baby oil with coarse sea salt (table salt will dissolve quicker) until you are left with a rough scrub. In the shower, slough off dead skin on your feet, elbows, face, and even your lips with this DIY scrub. 7. Style hair. If you have dry, frizzy flyaways, a bit of baby oil can help. Rub a small amount of oil onto your hands and pull your fingers through your hair for smoother, shinier hair. Just avoid adding oil too close to your roots — it can make your hair look greasy. 8. Tame brows. Instead of a costly brow gel, use a small amount of baby oil to keep stray hairs in place. Bonus tip: Use a mini brow brush to get the perfect shape. 9. Remove temporary tattoos and more. Add baby oil to a cotton swab and swipe it across for a quick removal. 10. Untangle necklaces. Like baby powder, a small amount of oil can make it easier to undo knots in your chains. How? It lubricates the links so theyll separate more easily. 11. Shine leather. Dont have time to get a professional shining? Simply add a few drops of baby oil to a cloth to restore gloss to your boots or bags in minutes. (7)Apple Cider Vinegar for a Clarifying Shampoo If youre an avid user of sprays, treatments, gels, and creams, your hair might be a little weighed down. But your regular shampoo probably isnt removing all that buildup. Massage a little apple cider vinegar into your roots a few times a week before you shampoo — your strands will feel lighter and look healthier. Even better: Apple cider vinegar kills bacteria and dandruff. 1. Clean your face. For a simple two-ingredient DIY toner, mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water. Dab the solution onto your face with a cotton ball. According to Mona Gohara, M.D. and associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University, it will work like an astringent to remove bacteria and dead skin cells, which can lead to acne-causing buildup. There are plenty of toners available that already incorporate the cleaning powers of apple cider vinegar. Our beauty director, April Franzino, likes the five-ingredient S.W. Basics Toner ($24, swbasicsofbk). 2. Remove buildup and prevent dandruff. Dandruff is the buildup of dead skin cells from an overgrowth of yeast in our bodies. Because it kills bacteria, apple cider vinegar is a great DIY option for eliminating dandruff, says Gohara. In the same vein, apple cider vinegar can help remove excess product buildup and residue that might be clinging to your strands, making them heavy and unhealthy. Even better, adding it to your routine can leave your hair soft and shiny. A few times a week, massage apple cider vinegar and water into your hair before you shampoo. If you arent too keen on pouring vinegar onto your hair, Franzino suggests trying John Masters Organics Herbal Cider Hair Rinse & Clarifier ($17, beauty). RELATED: 8 Surprising Beauty Uses for Baking Soda » 3. Freshen up your body. Apple cider vinegar is a great way to naturally deodorize your feet, armpits, or wherever is a little smellier than youd like. Using a cotton pad, rub it under your arms and along your feet (or, create a soaking bath with one cup apple cider vinegar and four cups of warm water) for a natural deodorant. Bacteria makes you produce bad odors, explains Gohara. And apple cider vinegar kills off that bacteria. You can also create your own deodorizer wipes: Soak paper towels overnight in a sealed bag with apple cider vinegar. When youre in a pinch, rub the wipes on your feet or armpits. Dont worry — the vinegary smell will go away once it dries. 4. Kill bad breath. Some dentists say that rinsing your mouth with one parts apple cider vinegar and two parts water for one minute can help you maintain a healthy mouth and banish bad breath. Gohara agrees: Because bad breath is bacteria-related, apple cider vinegar can get into the crevasses of your gums and teeth and eliminate the bad breath. (This is a natural alternative to over-the-counter mouthwashes. But make sure to speak with your dentist before starting a new cleansing regimen.) 5. Clear up toenail fungus. It sounds nasty, but it can really work. When Gohara has a patient who is suffering from toenail fungus, she often recommends that they clean their feet with apple cider vinegar soap a few times a week. You have to do it over a period of a year. With proper grooming of the toenail and cleaning with soap, its a natural way to get rid of some of the fungus. RELATED: 7 Smart Home Uses for Vinegar » 6. Remove stubborn warts. Warts are a virus, and rubbing ones with apple cider vinegar can help make them go away, says Janet Hill Prystowsky, M.D. But she warns that you should speak with your dermatologist first before caring for a wart yourself, in case it needs a stronger treatment. 7. Make your salad healthier. While there hasnt been substantial research to back up some apple cider vinegar weight loss claims, it is good for you, says Good Housekeepings nutrition director Jaclyn London. Like apples, its full of antioxidants, beta-carotene, calcium, and potassium, and can help protect cells. So feel free to use it to make a homemade dressing. If it will help you eat more salads, thats great, she says. And while some say that ingesting apple cider vinegar can help with lowering blood sugar and slowing down digestion, London says to check with your doctor first. The info is somewhat solid, but it often gets taken out of context, especially if youre a diabetic who takes a class of medications, then it can be a little dangerous, she says (8)Salt for Styling Tools Nothing beats good beachy waves, but its hard to get that perfect texture without salt water. Good thing you can recreate the oceans effect at home. Just add a teaspoon of salt to water or seltzer. Put it in a spray bottle and spritz it all over your damp hair and watch it dry into tousled waves. No beach or styling tool required. 1. Create textured waves. We might be well into fall but that doesnt mean beachy waves are any less trendy. In a spray bottle, combine a teaspoon of salt with 20 ounces of regular or seltzer water. Once the salt dissolves, spray over damp hair and watch your hair dry into perfectly tousled waves. 2. Exfoliate your face, body, and feet. Wherever you need a quick scrub down, salt will do the trick. While in the shower, simply rub crushed sea salt all over to remove dead skin and improve circulation. This will even work on your scalp to help remove pesky dandruff, too. 3. Treat acne. As a natural exfoliator, it can help clean pores and reduce oiliness. Just be sure to avoid your eyes or any cuts. If plain salt is too harsh for your skin, combine it with olive or coconut oil for an easy, two-ingredient paste. Or, our beauty team recommends LUSH Coconut Cream and Sea Salt Scrub ($36, lushusa), which smells just like the ocean and sloughs off dirt, dead skin, and oil. 4. Whiten teeth. Add one part salt to two parts baking soda and scrub it on your teeth with a clean toothbrush. Add water as needed. The paste can remove plaque and brighten teeth in between whitening treatments. 5. Freshen breath. Bad breath is caused by a number of reasons (were looking at you, garlic), but fortunately salt can help. Add 1/8 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to one cup of water to help combat a stinky mouth in a pinch. The solution disinfects and kills bacteria that may be contributing to any yucky smells. 6. Brighten nails. If you often forget to use a base coat, you might suffer from yellowing nails. A mixture of one teaspoon each of salt, baking soda, and lemon juice mixed together can buff away any stains. Bonus: It will help make your cuticles softer, too. (9)Olive Oil for Shaving Cream Rub a few drops from that mega bottle in the kitchen along your legs and shave off hair with ease. Bonus: Itll moisturize your skin at the same time. We could go on and on about the moisturizing properties of olive oil. It’s so great, you can find it in many of your favorite beauty buys like shampoo, makeup removers, and body lotions. But you don’t need to spend big bucks to reap its benefits. Instead, try one of these dermatologist-approved methods. 1. Remove makeup Swipe a bit of olive oil along your face and eyes to remove the cosmetics you applied earlier in the day. Follow with your nightly face wash regimen for clean skin. 2. Shave legs Olive oil is a perfect substitute for shaving cream. Simply rub a few drops on your legs before you begin to shave — just be careful you don’t slip in your tub. 3. Soften cuticles Joely Kaufman, MD, prefers olive oil over other cuticle creams because it instantly moisturizes the skin and nails. 4. Clean makeup brushes Combine olive oil and two parts antibacterial soap on a plate. Swirl your makeup brushes into the solution — you should start to see residue coming off right away. Once the brushes are clean, rinse them in warm water and let them dry. Regularly cleaning your brushes helps prevent breakouts. RELATED: Smart Tips for De-Gunking Your Makeup Tools » 5. Moisturize under eyes The oil nourishes the skin around the eyes, and even softens fine lines. 6. Make a DIY scrub Olive oil is the perfect base for both body and face exfoliators. Add sugar, salt, or coffee to olive oil to create a paste. Massage the scrub onto your face, arms, and legs to slough off dead skin. 7. Tame frizzy hair Comb olive oil through dry or frizzy tresses in place of an anti-frizz serum. Just be sure to use an extremely small amount, and only add it from mid-length to the ends, or you could be left with oily roots. 8. Relieve sunburn Add olive oil to vinegar and rub the solution along your sunburn to soothe the pain. RELATED: 10 Natural (and Simple) Sunburn Soothers » 9. Moisturize heels Before bed each night, use olive oil on cracked or dry heels, or even add some to your regular foot moisturizer. Then, wear socks to avoid an oily mess, and in the morning your feet will feel refreshed. 10. Hydrate hair Warm olive oil in the microwave for a few seconds until it’s warm, but not too hot. Pour it over your scalp and hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. Shampoo out the remaining oil in the shower. This pre-shampoo treatment can add moisture and life back to dry, damaged hair. RELATED: 9 Common Hair Myths — Busted! » 11. Condition lashes and brows Just like your scalp and hair, your lashes and brows need some love, too. Rub oil onto your lashes and brows to make them darker and shinier instantly. 12. Make a richer night cream For extra healing power at night and during winter, add a few drops of olive oil to your favorite night cream. 13. Dab it on cheeks The makeup-free look is in. Enhance your own natural coloring by adding a small amount on your cheekbones for an easy, dewy glow. (10)Baking Soda for Deodorant Weve all been there: Youre in a hurry and half way out the door when you realize that you forgot to put on deodorant. Near the kitchen? Just pat a little baking soda under your pits — it helps soak up that stench and keeps you smelling fresh without that a strong perfume-y scent. 1. Make a DIY exfoliator. Gently rub three parts baking soda and one parts water on your face in a soft, circular motion to remove dead skin. Just be careful around your eye area and rinse clean with warm water. 2. Prep your nails for a manicure. Use the same solution for smooth hands and fingers before painting your nails your favorite color. For polish-ready nails, dip a clean toothbrush into baking soda and scrub along your cuticles and nails to remove any imperfections. 3. Soothe sensitive skin post-shave. Add one tablespoon of baking soda to one cup of warm water for a soothing solution. Simply rub the mixture on your legs to alleviate razor burn fast. 4. Remove excess hair products. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into your favorite shampoo to remove buildup from shampoo, conditioner, serums, and other products. Wash as usual and rinse thoroughly for cleaner, more manageable hair. 5. Clean your styling tools. The same way products build up on your scalp, they can also leave your brushes and combs pretty dirty. Soak them in a solution of one teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl of warm water to remove natural oils and build up. Rinse and dry. 6. Use it as deodorant in a pinch. End of the day and smelling less-than perfect? A quick dusting of baking soda under your arms will absorb your natural odor to leave you feeling fresh. 7. Whiten teeth. Baking soda is already an ingredient in many natural toothpaste alternatives. Simply wet your toothbrush and rub it in baking soda for fast toothpaste. However, baking soda does not include fluoride, which helps prevent cavities. Speak to your dentist before switching to a baking soda-based toothpaste. 8. Freshen up greasy hair. Run out of dry shampoo? Sprinkle a bit of baking soda onto your roots to absorb excess oil. Brush through or rub in with fingers to distribute
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 22:53:45 +0000

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