10 Step on How to Cross the Ocean of Dunya without Drowning 1. - TopicsExpress


10 Step on How to Cross the Ocean of Dunya without Drowning 1. Know Allah, your goal - Wa ma qadur Allah haqqa qadreehee - He is the only True Reality by which everything else exists - He is the End, the goal - You MUST keep your focus on the goal if you are to be successful. If you’re in a race, you can’t win if you lost sight of the finish line. If you’re on a journey, you can’t arrive if you’ve forgotten where home is. 2. Know your purpose with relation to Allah, your goal - Wa ma khalaqatul jinni wal insee illa liyaabudoon - # 1 defines your End #2 defines your purpose. You MUST keep this in mind always if you are to be successful. 3. Know this life (just a path—not the destination): A. Temporary: “Be in this life like a stranger or wayfarer” “what have I to do with this life…” Remember that you were not born to live. You were born to die. Death: It’s easy when you’re young to think that you will never die. Die before your death: - Hold yourself accountable before you’re held accountable - Detachment B. Imperfect: - Not perfectly good (inamal hayat adunya laibun wa lahw…) - Not perfectly bad (inna ma al usree yusra), hope, focus on blessings bc they are always there even in hard times C. A test: - Al Mulk - You’re being watched. Show off for the Judge. D. A means - Ocean of dunya - Only a means: Use, but don’t love - Hold in your hands—not your heart 4. Plan for tomorrow: - Ya ayuhal latheena amanu itakul Allah wal tanthur nafsun ma qadamat li ghad: Taqwa + put forward for Tomorrow (not just tomorrow) 5. Remember Allah - Identity: Don’t be like those who forgot Allah so He made them forget their own selves: Wa la takoonu kal latheena nasu Allaha fa ansahum anfusahum - Result of turning away from remembrance: Turning away from remembrance of Allah: a) miserable life b) an appointed shaytan becomes intimate companion to you - Fruits of remembrance: Indeed in the rembrance of Allah do the hearts find peace: ala bithikr illahi tatminul quloob - Remember now bc on Day of Judgment remembering will be of no benefit then. Allah says: yawma yatathakarul insaanu fa ana lahul thikra 6. Guard yourself from shaytan Guard from shaytan thru thikr: salah, quran, athkar, halaqat 7. Guard yourself from your nafs Guard from nafs thru starving it: less talking (tongue), fasting 8. Guard yourself from your sins (produce a veil) thru tazkiyah Guard from sins thru Tawbah: cleans the heart from the stain of sins which cover it (cleaning the wound) 9. Guard your heart Protect its doors: eyes, ears, tongue Good company 10. Maintain a personal connection with Allah Duaa Qiyaam Maintain a personal connection with Allah. #Yasmin Mogahed
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 23:49:49 +0000

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