10 THINGS THAT MAKE YOU SPIRITUALLY WEAK leslieadrienne.hubpages/hub/10-Things-That-Make-You-Weak . There is help for you (and for me)....If you work on overcoming the following 10 things you can keep weakness at bay and eventually reverse its effects...... . 1. INDECISION- When faced with the need to make a decision, utilize the stop, think, ask , system. This system is tried and true. The way it works is when you have to decide something, you dont. At least not for a minute or two. Dont be afraid to be slow to speak. Take the time to think. Consider your convictions, your desires, the consequences and benefits of the decision you are preparing to make. Ask God to help you make the right decision....if you listen, He will guide. . 2. FEAR- Fear is the hinderance to greatness. If you fear, you will not act. It is the great paralyzer of hope and dreams....get rid of it. Do whatever it takes to keep fear from being great in your life. If you know God, you dont have to live with fear. . 3. INSECURITY- Your opinon of youself should outweigh the opinions that others have of you. And you opinion of you should be based in what God has said about you. If you value another persons opinion of you more greatly than you value your own opinon of yourself, you will always be weak. Learn to be strong. . 4. ALIENATION- Dont push people away. If you have been hurt in the past and are suspicious of others or think that people just dont like you, than it is time to examine your own heart. You may have been desperately hurt by others, but as devastating as that may have been you have to move on. Learn to trust again. He that would have friends must show himself friendly. . 5. ISOLATION- Hiding from the world will weaken you more quickly than anything else. Iron sharpeneth iron. You have to interact with others even though you may be offended once in awhile. Learn from the offense. Let it toughen your skin. Endure hardness as a good soldier. . 6. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE - What you dont know will hurt you. Learn, study, read, pray, ask questions. Never find yourself without curiosity. In all thy getting, get an understanding. . 7. LACK OF COMMUNICATION- Communicate with yourself. Tell youself that you are strong because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Communicate with others, connect with people who care about your. Communcate with God...He loves you most of all. Turn your cants into cans. I know that is a cliche but it is faithful and true. . 8. SELF-DECEPTION- Always tell the truth to yourself about yourself. If you are lazy, dont say that you are not. But more importantly, decide what you are going to do about it...how are your going to begin to change it....never give up on yourself. Set a goal one day at a time to change the negative truths about yourself into testimonies. . 9. PRIDE- A multifaceted monster that is many tentacled and which must be guarded against on a regular basis. Study about pride, recognize it and get rid of it.... your help cometh from the Lord. . 10. WORRY- Can you change one color of your hair to another color without the help of peroxide? No!, so, dont worry. The company is closed over the weekend, so, why are you worrying about the bill? Get the money to them on Monday. Let go of things that you cannot change until you can change them. . Above all else, guard your heart, filter what goes in and what goes out....You can be strong.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:40:15 +0000

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