10+ Things You Didn’ t Know About Kikuyu Tribe , People and - TopicsExpress


10+ Things You Didn’ t Know About Kikuyu Tribe , People and Culture 1.The kikuyu People are the biggest ethnic group in the East African country with a population of about 6 , 623,000 which makes up 23 % Kenya ’s total population.#tranny of numbers 2. Although Kenya has two national languages ; English and Kiswahili, Kikuyu People is considered to be the third due to its popularity all over the country 3. The kikuyu still have a council of elders who are the leaders in the community . These are respected among the people and they give direction as far as the culture and values of the kikuyu people is concerned. 4. The Kikuyu are organized into age sets which have been the basis of political associates. From these age sets , groups of boys get initiated every year and grouped into sets of generations that ruled 20 to 30 years traditionally. 5. There have been notable members of the tribe amongst them being the three presidents out of the four that have ruled Kenya so far 6. On getting married Kikuyu women move to the clan of the husband and all the children she will bear also belong to the clan and the first children are named after the husband ’s parents. Subsequent children are named after brothers and sisters and grand parents 7. The group of people is known for their industrious nature and their main economic activity is agriculture which is introduced even to the children at an early age 8. The kikuyu were a superstitious people with some retaining some of the practices like there is a taboo against whistling, they also believed the number 10 was an unlucky number . like if you are kikuyu and proud
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:42:56 +0000

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