10 Things You Should Consider When Planning Your - TopicsExpress


10 Things You Should Consider When Planning Your Education/Career Ever hear about the Stupid Tax? This is my attempt to pay it for you :) Youre welcome. The last two years of high school and the first two of college are a tough stage of life. This is written to anyone who is trying to decide what they want to do with their future. This is also for people long past that stage, or far before. This is my advice as one who initially screwed up. This is not just about your career, college, but about your life in general. If college is the path you chose to take this may especially be helpful for you. 1. Work first. Spend like 2-4 years SAVING. Dont blow the money. The reason is loans and debts suck. Im still paying mine off, and I had scholarships and grants too. They didnt help much. Its better to use your own money than someone elses. 2. Also dont go to school until you have a passion in mind, not just a career. Your passion can stay the same, but your career can change. You can have the same passion in many careers. Mine is helping people. The way I do that is twofold. I build systems that become better businesses, and I help people learn how to sell more effectively. There are many different career paths that allow me to use my passions, so I can adapt to the job market. Currently I am building my own business selling insurance. This allows me the opportunity to hire and train alot of sales people. I also get to help people by providing them with better insurance. Before I worked in the same way for a marketing company selling cleaner forms of energy. So you can see how having a passion will help you move around. Build your education on your passion. 3. Go to community college first. Get your gen ed requirements out of the way at least if you dont get an associates degree. I regret this the most! Dorm life is fun and so is partying but you can always do that. Look at it like this, it will be cheaper than going straight to a university and wasting money on partying and dorm life. Party after your graduate and have a good job. 4. Take a variety of electives. This will help you find your passion and calling. I started out studying to be a pastor. Im in sales now. Things change. I still want to be a pastor, but Im spending 10 years trying to get rich first so I can get out of debt and eventually support a family. Some pastors work for free. That is my goal. Retire, mentor kids, preach, and write books. Part of the reason I changed thins so much was because of electives. Studying the Bible and church leadership led to studying communications, philosophy, and psychology as well as business because running a church in many ways is like running a business and you need some of the same skill sets. That led to me wondering how those fields all applied to marketing and sales. What I discovered was they apply to all of life. Later when I discovered that Life was not going to be affordable as a pastor I drew from my experiences and education to find a new path and the electives were key because they had nothing to do with my Bible education. 5. Dont give up. It will slow you down. If you fail, dont stay down! Youre going to fail. Thats part of the process of becoming what you are going to be. Dont let your failures keep you locked in a cage. 6. Be willing to change paths as you change. Locking yourself into one mold is foolish and unwise. I did this with the pastor thing way too long. I should have changed paths much earlier. 7. Dont listen to anyone but yourself when it comes to doing what you want. Follow your gut. You know what you want deep down inside. Dont ever make your life about making someone else happy if it will make you miserable. 8. Dont take advice from people who dont have what you want. Parents and friends mean well, but if your dad is a broke bum and you want to be rich hes not the right person to take career or financial advice from. I took alot of bad advice from well meaning people. Dont do it! 9. Dont listen to haters. They are just jealous of you and want to have the courage you have to do what they cant. 10. Whatever field you go into remember its not for life. Be flexible. That is my humble attempt to help some of you kids who may be stressed out over this stuff and those of you who might be older and still struggling. Hope it helps. I apologize for the length. This was a comment on someones post in this group about career and college that turned into a post of its own. I hope it is helpful to some of you. Specifically Marcus Lagrisola. Hope this helps!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:37:46 +0000

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