10 Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Exercise (By Paige Waehner, - TopicsExpress


10 Things to Stop Doing if You Want to Exercise (By Paige Waehner, about) 7. Stop being afraid to fail If theres one thing thats certain in life, its that we will fail. Yes, well also pay taxes and well die, but we will also fail at something and, inevitably, well fail at exercise. Its not that you suck, its simply that you cant expect to be able to exercise all the time. There will be times when youre sick, injured, exhausted, on vacation or going through something that forces you to abandon your exercise program. Its just what happens. The trick isnt to try to be perfect, but to allow for those times in your life when you just cant workout. What to Do Instead Forgive yourself - Most of us try to guilt ourselves into exercise after quitting, but you may find you make more progress if you actually forgive yourself. Lighten up - I regularly take myself way to seriously and you probably do too. Remind yourself that this is just exercise...not brain surgery, not rocket science, not anything that will cause anyone to die if you dont get it perfect all the time. Get back on track and move on- Its hard to face our bodies after a long break from exercise and, for that reason, some of us prefer the head-in-sand approach. That can be fun for a little while but, eventually, youll need to get back to it. The best way to do that is to just move on. Forget what you did wrong and focus on what you can do right.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:43:31 +0000

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