10 Things you dont know bout me. Some may. I will only do this - TopicsExpress


10 Things you dont know bout me. Some may. I will only do this once. Thanks Shannon. 1. I like to cook. 2. I like chick flicks aka romantic comedies and sappy tear jerkers 3. Dont like riding in the back seat of cars. 4. I played various musical instruments when I was younger and could read music. Now I know none of that which I learned. 5. I drove drunk a good bit until I got a DWI which on that particular night I dont remember the 45 minute drive home. So it was good thing I got pulled over. 6. I tried to grow pot in my bedroom until my mom walked around the back of the house and thought it was herbs. Wrong herb mom. 7. Nearly died in a car wreck. I flipped the car on a rainy night, God had his hand on me because I walked away with a couple bruises. 8. Played hooky when I was in the 5th grade with a friend. We went to is house because his parents werent home. I was thirsty and he gave me what I thought was water in a jar and tricked me into drinking moonshine. It burned me from my throat to my stomach and all thru my extremities. 9. I have seen Forrest Gump over 500 times. It is my all time favorite movie. 10. I like white water rafting even though I only went once. I want to go again in the near future.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:56:02 +0000

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