10 Thoughts That Can Super-Motivate You Whether youre an - TopicsExpress


10 Thoughts That Can Super-Motivate You Whether youre an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, theres nothing more essential to success than keeping yourself motivated. Here are 10 thoughts: Motivation means choosing to do what youd rather not do, which is why unmotivated people never get anywhere. Most people want to improve their situation but few take responsibility for motivating themselves to make changes. People can always validate the decision to avoid unpleasant work. Example: Today, Ill get organized; tomorrow Ill make cold calls. Motivation comes from managing your mind and your emotions. Fail at this and youll live a life of quiet desperation. The most depressing and de-motivating sentences in the world usually begin with the phrase Someday, Ill... If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, go someplace quiet and replace those thoughts with positive affirmations, prayer or meditation. To get big results, ask yourself big questions. Why do I want to be a millionaire? is far more motivating than How can I make a living? Dont set goals that just excite you; set goals that scare you a little bit. That way theyll strengthen your motivation muscle. What holds people back is fear of failure, but if you dont take action, youll fail by default, so what have you got to lose? You can have whatever you want in life, but nobody is going to give it to you. Everything of value must be earned.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:34:31 +0000

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