10 Trivia Tidbits. For Tooze Day. 1 - SLACKER: Hitler often - TopicsExpress


10 Trivia Tidbits. For Tooze Day. 1 - SLACKER: Hitler often would sleep until noon. Many days when he didnt have speaking engagements or military conferences, he would just screw around all day and watch movies and cartoons (Mickey Mouse was a favorite). 2 - Stephen Hawking has amyotropic lateral scoliosis, or ALS. It paralyzes you from the feet up, the arms in, or the head down. Incurable and untreatable, most people die within 3 years. Hawking has somehow survived nearly 50 years with it, even though he is now entirely paralyzed. 3 - Frankensteins monster coming to life by electricity is all Hollywood. In Shelleys book, Victor refuses to say how he did it, lest anyone try it themselves. 3a - This is why the book says How I Did It in Young Frankenstein. 4 - Bobby The Brain Heenan had red hair, until he had a tumor removed from his stomach when he was 15 years old. It then turned platinum blonde. Nobody has any idea why. 5 - The reason Don Quixote is in two parts is because that Cervantes originally never intended to write the second part. He did so because he needed the money to get out of debtors prison. (Alimony landed him there many times) 6 - Gordon Lightfoot wrote The Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald because he read about the shipwreck in the paper, which was little more than a cursory blurb. It annoyed him. He was musing that everyone lost on the ship was a human being with families, dreams and friends, and worth more than just a paragraph in the paper. 7 - The Incas had a rule for warfare, where, after an assault, the warriors who respected their enemy would return to the field and help tend to and carry off fallen enemies. The Conquistadors simply mowed them down when they tried this, again and again. 8 - Joe Toye was injured three times in World War II. The last time, where he had his leg blown off in the Ardennes Forest, he asked What does a guy gotta do to get killed around here? 9 - Stan Lee often gave his creations redundant initials (Peter Parker, Reed Richards) because he had no idea if any of them would stick. No point in memorizing a complex name for a character that may well be abandoned in a few months. 10 - Paul Baumer does not die by reaching for a butterfly like in the movie. In All Quiet on the Western Front, the last chapter he narrates, he talks about how the world and nature is still beautiful, despite the horror of war. The next chapter (just a postscript) is written by an anonymous fellow soldier, who remarks that Pauls corpse looks at peace. Nowhere are we told what happens to him. But knowing WWI, it was most likely a sniper or mustard gas.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:55:44 +0000

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