10 WAYS HOW A TOURISM STUDENTS CAN SHOW THEIR LOVE FOR THEIR COUNTRY: DO YOU EVER WONDER, AS A TOURISM STUDENT, HOW CAN YOU MANIFESTS YOUR LOVE FOR YOUR OWN COUNTRY? Top 10 - When it comes to quality products, “Filipino Made” won’t falter in the competition. Though, foreign products may seem more appealing and cheaper compared to our own brands, Filipino products are more durable and made with real compassion. Remember to patronize once own product. Top 9 - Filipino’s are known worldwide for our unique sense of hospitality. Humble, kind, caring, and genuine smiles, let us exemplify this as we faced global professionalism to embody a statement, both domestic and international, that we Philippines has a lot to offer that is unorthodox and good in nature. Top 8 - Philippines is the 3rd largest English speaking country in the world, often Filipinos are called to do professional activities in need of good communication in the use of the business language- English. But let us not forget to love our own language, our Mother Tongue. Be globally professional by learning other languages but always keep in mind to love our Mother Tongue as this serve as our foundation for learning. Top 7 - Philippines is a very diverse country, full of exploding hues coloring our culture and breath taking destinations. Be proud of it, explore the Philippines first before other countries, and appreciate the Philippines potential to bring contentment, harmony, and opportunity. Top 6 - Philippines main attraction is its natural resources and so it’s a resource that may run out. In order to avoid this, employ oneself to sustainable tourism to promote environmental awareness to avoid the destruction of this beauties that Philippines has to offer. Top 5 - Philippines has a lot of potential to hit the global market of tourism and dominate it, explore the Philippines first, find out its potentials and promote it. The social media is a very powerful tool, one voice can create awareness and that might be just you, so take the liberty and start the journey! Top 4 - Fiestas are not foreign for the Filipinos for the Philippines has almost all kinds of fiestas for almost all kind of reason. As a Filipino, engaged in this very colorful culture of our own land, take pictures, immerse oneself with the culture, and create awareness of how blissful is it to be in our country. Remember, “It’s more fun in the Philippines”. Top 3 - As the world circulates in a very fast pace, knowing the current events regarding the whole world is one way to show your love for your country, arming yourself with enough knowledge of the situation will give you the leverage to protect not only yourself but also your country against disputes. Top 2 - Explore sustainable tourism, help sustain and preserve the beauties of the Philippines for the future generation. Not only you are helping nature itself but also Philippines are you help preserve the culture that might just be forever lost if not protected properly. Top 1 - Philippines though undeniably beautiful has its flaws too. What do we do is not to hide it and shadow it over the beautiful things that Philippines has to offer but rather identify the “ugly”, cultivate it, enhance it, develop it, promote it and finally love it for is a an avenue for potential.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:51:20 +0000

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