10 WAYS TO FORGET YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND :) Talking about how long a - TopicsExpress


10 WAYS TO FORGET YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND :) Talking about how long a problematical relationship can last is like fasting in the summer. Eventually it will end, but the endurance depends on how strong both parties can survive during the hard situations. Some relationships end because both belligerents agree that they can’t stand together for more as a couple, but some others end because one part has lost the feeling while the other one still believes that love can reunite two incompatible hearts. When you can’t be in sync with her attitudes any longer, perhaps there’s no serious problem to continue your life alone easily. But how if she chooses to leave you while you’re still in love with her? Either leaving for someone else or for another reason like, many people isn’t ready to undergo the days alone. Despondency is a turning point of life. You’ll be stronger and wiser if you can go through your lowest point of life successfully. There are some steps to overcome this problem. Maybe these points can help you. 1. Stop hoping This is the cardinal rule. Forget that someday she’ll be back to you. Believe that you deserve someone better than herself. Every time your phone blinks, rings, or vibrates, don’t ever wish that she attempts to contact you. A broken glass can be repaired, but it will never be as strong as it used to be. It is amazing how one person can trigger a million thoughts on your mind, however don’t ever think about reconciliation. If you still have faith that one day she’ll return to you, I guarantee that you will never be able to move on. 2. Don’t ever pay attention To love means to take and to give. Imbalance of both aspects indicates that love doesn’t exist. No matter what she does, stop caring for her. Caring for someone who doesn’t care for you is absolutely a waste of time. Live your life as if you’ve never known and met her before. Sometimes you can’t resist that you miss her, but you can push aside your intention to contact her asking about her condition. She’s not yours anymore, so you don’t have to bear responsibility about what she does. Get used to disregard her updates on social medias. If you’re using BlackBerry, it’s very advisable to mute her on ÜberSocial for 999 days. Stop paying attention is very difficult, but this is an inevitable step to get your normal life back. 3. Hang out with your friends Being alone doesn’t signify being lonely. This is definitely an effective method to get over your ex. Sometimes you just need to be with a person who makes you smile, even though it’s not the person that you smile for. Having fun with friends will boost up your mood and distract your desperation. It’s not about how the people see you on the outside, but it’s rather about how you feel inside. Sharing your problems while going out with your guys will relieve your stress. Remember, don’t discuss about her too much. Invite your friends to spend time with you doing leisure activities like shopping in mall, watching film in multiplex, singing in karaoke bar, and playing outdoor sports. Go to nightclub, get drunk, or do whatever you want which are used to be prohibited when you were in a relationship. 4. Consider personal advantages of solitude Take dissolution in positive ways. Relationship breakup is a momentum to improve your career performance after distracted by impermanent relationship. Focus on your study or work which you might have neglected for long time. Keep in your mind that being single means reducing expenditures and having greater possibility to save more cash. No need to bear someone’s expenses anymore, no need to pickup someone anymore, and no need to text someone in most of time. Nobody has the right to restrict your activities because you have ultimate freedom to do anything with anyone. 5. Don’t listen to sad songs Breakup songs are the medication for the heartbroken ones, but when it comes too long, it may cause bad impacts to your mental health. Hide or remove songs like Toni Braxton’s “Un-Break My Heart”, Tamia’s “Officially Missing You”, and Mariah Carey’s “We Belong Together” from your playlist temporarily. The more you listen to songs with desperate lyrics containing hope about your ex, the longer you will stay in a bad condition. Don’t listen to your relationship soundtracks as well because the lyrics and flashback will kill you slowly. Play Beyoncé’s “Listen” and you’ll realize that life is better without her. Ever heard Nina Girado’s “Someday”? I recommend you to listen to it. 6. Keep memories about her away Some things which are not erased always live in your heart and sometimes appear in the surface. Souvenirs will always remind you about her, so it’s better to keep it away from your sight. Deleting all photos taken with her is the most suitable way to prevent reminiscence about your ex. Moreover, there are three ways to abandon her presents. First option, put everything in boxes. Place all boxes under your bed or above your wardrobe. Once it’s been hidden, don’t ever look for it. Second choice, donate things given by your ex to someone else. The last resort is throw all movie tickets, roses, and other things in rubbish bin. For the expensive gifts and the useful ones which are too good to be dumped, consider as if you bought it for yourself. 7. Avoid every possible connection You needed her and she weren’t there. Now when it’s over, she drowns you with attention. Could you say that it’s too late? So whenever she tries to reach you out, simply give brief response. Be careful, because it may be her strategy to get you flattered over again. If necessary, unfollow her Twitter, unfriend her Facebook, delete her BlackBerry Messenger, and remove her number from your contacts. Sometimes you have to seem arrogant for the sake of personal security. 8. Recall her mistakes Some missteps are better left unforgivable because some people don’t deserve mercy for the impact of what they’ve done. Forget the sweet days when two of you used to fall for each other. Forget the moment you celebrated anniversary and Valentine’s Day together. Forget the way she pleased you, the way she kissed you, and the way she loved you. It’s already over, dude. If you remember every single fault she did, definitely you don’t want to ensnare in the same trap again. 9. Pray No matter what religion you embrace, God will never let you walk alone. God will give us things what we need. God won’t give us things what we ask. That’s why God always gives us the best things in life. Believe that your relationship breakup is the best scenario that God has planned. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). You’re not weak. You just need more power. 10. Be more aggressive to find someone new Have you ever felt like you just wanna re-run your life so you can live it to the fullest again? Yes, setting up new feeling for new one is a must. Definitely you don’t want to see your ex walking with her new boyfriend while your heart still belongs to hers, right? Therefore, open your heart wider. Being stagnant is actually being backwards. Things changed and you have nothing to do but moving on. If you got a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. No one says it’s gonna be easy, but it’s gonna be worth it. The presence of crushes will assist you to bury the unkind past. Remember, don’t start a relationship because you’re lonely or desperate, but start it when you’re ready. Everybody might have their own ways to move on. Whatever the methods are, obliterating ex is one step ahead to a brighter future. Nothing lasts forever, including dejection and hopelessness. Despite it scratched your heart, take the history as lessons learned for your life. Within 1 universe, 8 planets, 7 continents, 204 countries, and 6 billion people, absolutely there’s no reason to cry over your relationship status. Finding the right person who loves you sincerely is only a matter of time. Source: rizkydanurwindo.wordpress/2011/04/20/10-ways-to-forget-your-ex/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 06:16:35 +0000

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