10 WAYS TO GET YOUNGER LOOKING SKIN Tuesday, August 13, - TopicsExpress


10 WAYS TO GET YOUNGER LOOKING SKIN Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Taking care of your skin is better than any anti-ageing cream that you can use. Glynda Alves brings you ten ways you can better improve your skin 1. Sleep on your back It’s no secret that wrinkles are a major contributor in making your skin looked aged. The best way to prevent the onset on wrinkles is to sleep on your back. Squashing your face against a pillow will cause sleep lines which can turn into wrinkles. If you’re prone to sleeping on your face, use a satin pillowcase. 2. Nighttime ritual The most important time to wash your face is before you go to sleep. The bacteria, dirt and pollutants that have settled on your face during the day need to be tackled. These pollutants can cause breakouts and damage your skin. Use a gentle cleanser at night before you go to sleep. 3. Don’t forget your eyes We’re often so busy protecting our faces that we forget to pay special attention to the delicate areas around our eyes, which are usually the first place signs of ageing are visible. Sunglasses are the best way to protect the thin and sensitive skin in this area. 4. Use moisturiser After SPF, this is perhaps the most important product for your skin. Maintain your skin’s elasticity and youth by applying a moisturiser that’s suitable for your skin type. Supple skin is less prone to wrinkles, making you look younger. 5. Change is good Just like your body stops showing results when it gets used to a particular exercise, your skin will stop looking good once it gets used to certain products. Every year or so, alter one thing in your skin regime. 6. Don’t over wash Resist the urge to over wash your face as this makes your skin dry and dull. Dry skin looks aged and wrinkles are more prominent. Use a mild cleanser twice a day and splash your face with cool water if your face feels dirty. 7. Skip stress Few factors contribute to ageing as much as stress. When you’re stressed out, your body releases a powerful ageing hormone called cortisol. So, try yoga or meditating and remember stress doesn’t achieve anything, so knock it out of your life. 8. Get proper sleep Don’t sleep next to your phone. Switch off your laptop and don’t leave any lights on. Getting good quality sleep is essential for healthy skin. Not getting adequate rest will make your skin look tired and old. 9. An everyday affair Rain, shine or blistering cold, make sure you always wear sunscreen if you want younger looking skin. The SPF should ideally be 30 but no less than 15. Even just 10 minutes in the sun without protection can cause your skin to age. 10. Diet matters Forget applying things on your face to get younger looking skin. For most people with healthy skin, the treatment needs to come from within. Drink plenty of water and include foods such as fish, vegetables and fruit in your diet.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 14:56:04 +0000

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