10 Ways To Kill Ants… Organically LOVE recipes!! Come FOLLOW - TopicsExpress


10 Ways To Kill Ants… Organically LOVE recipes!! Come FOLLOW ME! I am always posting awesome stuff on my timeline! You can find me at https://facebook/TruckerWifeVickiSuddaby 1. Baking soda is poisonous to ants, sprinkle it around your plants to ensure ants will stay away. 2. Flour & Baby Powder will keep ants from reaching your plants, ants will not cross the powder – so circle your plants with it. 3. You can use coffee grounds, chili powder, cinnamon, peppermint or black pepper. All deter ants and if you pour coffee grounds directly on an anthill, they will eat the coffee grounds and implode. 4. Grits, instant rice & cream of wheat can be sprinkled around plants. The ant will eats a piece of whichever you sprinkle, drink water and the grain expands and kills the ant. 5. Fill a spray bottle with 1 part vinegar and 1 part water and spray on plants. The acid in vinegar will kills ants. 6. Mix together one-third cup of molasses, six tablespoons of sugar, and six tablespoons of active dry yeast into a smooth paste. Use the mixture to coat strips of cardboard. Keep out of reach of pets and small children. You can leave mixture on a saucer outside anthill and theyll eat it and die! 7. Fold contact paper in half, with the sticky side out and make a circle around base of plant. The ants get stuck on the paper – problem solved. 8. Cut off the bottom of a paper cup and cut a slit up the side of the cup and coat outside with Vaseline and place around base of plant. You can also use packing tape. 9. Mix one cup of borax, two-thirds a cup sugar and one cup water. Dip cotton balls in the solution and place in areas near your anthill Ants will leave the plants alone and ingest the sweet mixture. The borax kills the ants. 10. Diatomaceous Earth is a commonly sold organic pesticide that will destroys the insects outer skeletons, causing the pests to die from dehydration. Click and join us here---for more every day fun, tips, recipes, weight loss support & motivation.. and learn about Skinny Fiber! https://facebook/groups/VickiSkinnyFriends/ Like · · Share 91 people like this. 206 shares View 4 more comments Michelle Burns Ashcraft Morgan Anything for wasps? March 21 at 2:19pm · Like · 1 Wendy Carter Jessica Deaton March 21 at 4:17pm · Like Brenda Faulds Yep if your finding hole where they come in (pref before season starts) plug hole with kleenex tissue soaked in domestos - they cant stand it. Unless they push the wad out - or maybe in you do not need to redo til next year by which time hopefully you...See More March 21 at 5:01pm · Like · 1 Carol Kelly Baking Soda works fantastic! I read this post this afternoon about 3pm or so. Went out and sprinkled a small box of baking soda on 2 fire ant hills - checked again at 7pm and 99% of them were either dead or gone!! When I sprinkled it on, I took a s...See More March 21 at 7:23pm · Like · 1 Isabella Gutierrez Is there anything you no about for roches i all was clean my house and cant seem to get rid of them 16 hours ago · Like Brenda Jo Shoemaker Hindman Write a comment...
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:32:56 +0000

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