10 Ways to Stay Happy at Work (When Quitting is Not an Option) By - TopicsExpress


10 Ways to Stay Happy at Work (When Quitting is Not an Option) By Lisa Franchi on August 09, 2013 These days, you can’t simply change your job the way you change your clothes. You have bills to pay, a family who’s counting on you, and all other responsibilities that require you to keep working. Many people stick to their job and struggle to cope with the emotional distress they are experiencing, thinking and hoping that someday, something better will come. But this attitude could bring you more stress. What if that new job opportunity takes much longer to come, or what if it never comes? Learning how to enjoy our current job is possible. Here are 10 little ways to be happy at work. Have a desk makeover. The clutter in your workstation might be contributing to your anxiety and stress levels. Spending eight hours or more in front of a boring, blank wall and some piles of paperwork is really unpleasant. So try to spruce up your desk with simple yet cute decorations. Maybe you can place a small flower vase, a framed photo of your pets or loved ones, or a beautiful figurine. Focus on the moment. You won’t be able to enjoy your job if your mind is full of worries and thoughts that stray you from living in the moment. Daydreaming is not bad but it shouldn’t be an hourly routine. Try to find enjoyment with what you do, whether it’s typing documents, preparing a slide presentation, heading a meeting, etc. Try living in the moment, without of course setting aside your future goals. Make friends with positive people. You may have already friends at work. But are they helping you enjoy your stay in the office or are they adding to your stress levels? Numerous studies have shown that people wouldn’t mind being paid for less if they work in an environment where they are in good terms with their co-workers, than receiving higher salaries but hate their surroundings. Laugh and smile. Smiling and laughing more often can significantly lift your mood and make you earn positive friends at work (the more you smile the more approachable and welcoming you appear to your colleagues). When you do, your brain releases endorphins – the feel-good chemicals that contribute to well-being and happiness. Stop comparing. Many people only see the success of others, not thinking about the possible hardships and challenges their peers had to go through to get where they are now. Comparing doesn’t just worsen what you feel but also makes you farther from reaching your goals. Let go of unnecessary arguments. There are times when your boss (or a colleague) will make you feel infuriated. There’s always drama at work. But you don’t have to let yourself get carried away with it. Most battles at work aren’t worth fighting, so just let it go. It’s not going to help you enjoy your situation. Make your personal time more meaningful. Any kind of job, no matter how prestigious it is, can get overwhelming, boring and irritating when you don’t observe life-and-work balance. So make sure you get to enjoy life outside work. During your rest days, take time to unwind and unplug from everything that has to do with work, such as your computer and mobile phone. Do something fun with your loved ones. Cook a special dish, watch a movie, or have some nature tripping – whatever it is that recharges your batteries. Find someone who will listen. When things aren’t going well, it is helpful to find someone who will listen to you and understand you. He or she may be the friend you trust most, a relative, or a professional counsellor. Find an outlet for creativity. Learn a new craft. It may be a childhood dream that you weren’t able to pursue. Well, it isn’t too late! Take an online class if attending a regular training centre or school is inconvenient for you. Who knows, it could open the door to that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to your dream career! Learn some quick ‘pick-me-up’ techniques. Regardless of the situation you’re in, you have the power to reframe your circumstance and improve your mood. Try breathing techniques whenever you feel irritated or stressed, or a five-minute meditation, cultivate gratitude – list down the things you are thankful of, learn positive self-talk, and so on. ©Copyright 2013 by naturaltherapyforall Counselling Manchester All Rights Reserved .
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 21:43:18 +0000

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