10 attributes of Highly effective LEGISLATOR Perusing through - TopicsExpress


10 attributes of Highly effective LEGISLATOR Perusing through history, acknowledging the present, and considering the needs of the future, my observation is that effective legislators possess characteristics that, regardless of their years in office, are primarily responsible for their success. Of course, office-holders need to be ambitious, intelligent and committed to hard work. But they also have to have cultivated good political habits. Here are 10 putative attributes of a legislator who wishes to succeed : 1) They keep their egos under control. Put it this way: They dont let the praise of their own campaign brochures go to their head. They dont abuse staff members and those who assist them, nor treat career public servants or their fellow legislators with condescension. 2) They are able to manage and lead their staff or those who are chosen to assist them, and they seek advice from competent and trustworthy sources. The ultimate effectiveness of legislators can be partially judged by whom they employ, by their willingness to seek information from many sources (whether or not on his own side) and by whom they rely on for regular counsel. Legislators who limit themselves to a narrow circle of advisers from any part of the spectrum usually limit the breadth of their knowledge and vision. 3) They do their legislative homework and develop expertise on at least one issue. A legislator earns respect from his fellow lawmakers by providing them with a superior understanding of certain types of legislation, even if the subjects are not of greatest importance to other members. Because legislators deal with so many issues, each has the opportunity to become an expert. 4) They are not obsessed with obtaining credit from the media and the public for presumed legislative accomplishments. Obviously, elected officials need to receive some credit in order to be seen as effective back home. But for that very reason, the legislator who shares credit builds trust and respect among his colleagues. This kind of credit in politics is like financial credit in a bank; its there when you really need it. Most legislators especially develop 5) They realize that changes often come in a series of small steps. Im talking about the art of compromise, of course. Political and social principles are extremely important, but of less benefit if they cant persuade people on their own. Legislators who insist on having everything their own way may look noble on television, but they carry little weight with their colleagues and generally get little of consequence done. 6. They know how to work in a bipartisan fashion on most issues and respect the sincerity of those who oppose their point of view. The effective legislator, like an effective person in any field, is able to discuss issues without personal rancor, and to realize that he or she may not possess the final truth in all matters of public policy. Respect is the basis of civility. It lubricates the legislative process and removes unnecessary friction. 7) On issues where dramatic differences of opinion exist, they are intellectually capable of understanding their opponents positions and arguments. This is hard to do, or at least to do well. The common tendency is to parody the arguments of an opponent or put words in his mouth. But even if the public cannot always see it, other legislators know when a colleague is representing an opponents case fairly. 8) They refuse to take themselves too seriously. Politics is a serious business, but keeping a sense of humor is essential to keeping a realistic sense of proportion, and that actually helps the serious business proceed. An ability to laugh at yourself has the serious result that it disarms your opponents! 9) They understand that you become more effective by listening, questioning and learning, rather than just talking. Almost all politicians, in or out of office, like to talk, naturally. However, that does not mean that they have a lot of patience for other politicians who abuse the privilege. They do notice the person who studies carefully, gives evidence of sincere intellectual curiosity and works hard. 10) They demonstrate their integrity by admitting their imperfections. Nobodys perfect and little is more annoying than some politician who pretends otherwise - especially with his colleagues, who definitely know better. In fact, if you were perfect, youd be smart to hide it. Even to all politicians, administrators, and public servants, these attributes are preponderant. Comrade Abimbola Amusan Kingshotz has more than what it takes to make a good legislature. Support & Vote COMRADE BIMBO AMUSAN as a member representing Ife East in the Osun state house of assembly. Its time for the needed emancipation.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 09:02:00 +0000

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