10 bad cell phone habits that were all guilty of doing at one - TopicsExpress


10 bad cell phone habits that were all guilty of doing at one point or another We present to you 10 bad cell phone habits that we’re all guilty of doing at some point or another. Naturally, some are more obvious than others, but if you have a good one that’s not listed, please don’t hesitate to share them with us all. 1. Leaving your phone to charge overnight Call it convenience or laziness, people have this bad habit of plugging up their device each and every night before bed. 2. Not placing it on silent for specific occasions You know you’re going to the movies. Heck, they even play a quick video before a flick is about to play stressing the need to turn off your phone or place it on silent. 3. Talking loud while on a conversation e.g Dinner Can you hear me now? That’s probably what comes to mind for those people who have to deal with obnoxiously loud individuals chattering away on their phones. 4. Sharing conversations over speakerphone Sheesh, you’re already super loud with your tone of voice with phone calls, but why do you have the urge to put your entire conversation on speakerphone? 5. Thinking that using the phone while its raining outside wont ruin it Oh people, we sometime think our phones are impervious to the elements. Of course, we know that drops can adversely affect them, but for some strange reason, people think that nothing will happen while using it in the rain. 6. One-worded responses to text messages OMG! Okay! Well…..we know what you’re thinking. Text messages shouldn’t be long conversations, but on the other end of the spectrum, one-worded responses can be interpreted in many ways. 7. Not leaving a voicemail/accompanying text as to why youre calling Ring ring! Ring ring! Beep. Yeah, no one is picking up, but I’m calling, so why should I leave a message? 8. Talking on the phone at inappropriate times It’s a Friday night, and you’re out on a hot date ready to order something, but you realize that the other person across the table is chit-chatting away – all the while, the waiter is patiently waiting to take down your order. 9. Texting while in the middle of conversations You’re in a hotly debated conversation with friends or peers, but then all of a sudden, someone from the bunch decides to whip out their phone and text away. 10. Distracted driving Without question, at one point or another, we were all guilty of doing this one while driving. WHICH ONE ARE YOU GUILTY OF?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:24:04 +0000

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