10 facts about me: 1. I despise gross humor. If it involves - TopicsExpress


10 facts about me: 1. I despise gross humor. If it involves something to do with the human body, its gross, not funny. Similarly farts, tampon/pads, or anything else along thise lines shouldnt be included in a joke. Its not funny. 2. I dont like people who think ^ that crap is funny. You have to be a gross wacked out person to laugh at that crap. Also, I dont like people who are comfortable telling people everything about themselves. I dont wanna know you are on your period. I dont care if you accidently peed yourself sneezing one time. Dont tell me this shit. People really need to stop being so comfortable with each other. Its sick. 3. I absolutely hate people who dont like pets. You cant be trusted. Plain and simple theres something wrong with these people. I also dont care about their point of view. They can shut up an move on. Theyve already proven they are stupid. Remeber that photo about what to do with your opinion? This applies to them. 4. I love food. Except sweet potatoes and turnips. Sweet potatoes=yams. Know why they call em that? Gotta yam em down your throat to eat em. Right dad? Lol 5. I will stand up for what I feel is right. Even if the person I may be defending doesnt like me. Thats ok, you dont have to. Im not gonna let someone treat you like shit just because of that. Also I rarely dislike people. If I do, youll know. If you dont, you are an idiot. And there is always a good reason fyi. 6. I hate winter. And not just this winter. All winter. I hate snow. I hate ice. I hate cold. Period. I wish I never had to see it again anywhere but tv. For real. 7.I have extremely bad OCD. The real thing. Not this thing u guys call ocd which is just being picky. Bad shit is gonna happen (not really but feels that way at the time) if I dont do certain crap at certain times in certain ways and I get into a lot of arguements this way. People dont understand and 90% of people dont REALLY even know what it is. Nightmares in your head is a good start. Oh and to top it off? I have really bad anxiety disorder. Know whats cooler? I deal with it on my own and Im kicking its ass. No unwanted meds or therapy for me. Im cool like that. ( I wouldnt recommend it. Ive dealt with heart trouble and othet physical issues bc of it and its taken YEARS to get a grip on. Seriously go to a dr. Im just stubborn and had to prove I could do it myself) 8. I dont like to hang out with people. Im not antisocial I just really dont enjoying hanging around a bunch of people. It also irritates me when people come over. It totally throws me out of wack n it takes awhile to adjust. I honestly worry about bacteria etc. Even from my closest friends. No offense but no matter how clean you are, people are still gross. Bizarrely enough....there is one person who DOESNT gross me out n I have NO IDEA why shes the exception. Madyson Martin that would be you! Lol ? 9. I dont like man-babies. Suck it up buttercup u sure u arent a little sister. I cannot stand whiney males. It ls horrible! Cut ur arm off? Cool. Get over it and get some stitches or something. You are a man not a woman or child. Your are supposed to be tough so act like it. No I dont feelbad for you bc 90% of the time its your fault for doing simething stupid. (Although iI realize accidents happen in which case yeah that sucks. But your still a man js) yes I also realize Im not being sensitive. They usually arent either so idc. Ive had two kids. It hurts. You live see my point? 10. Id rather have a trashed house and happy kids than a spotless house and kids that dont get any attention. We do stuff together. We play, we go places. If you dont like my clutter stay out of it. I dont want you in it anyway! Lms for a number
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:27:56 +0000

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