10 great statements. Make your own 10 winning statements each - TopicsExpress


10 great statements. Make your own 10 winning statements each day! 10 Declaraciones grandiosas. Hagan sus propias 10 declaraciones triunfadoras cada día! I declare that the greatest Power is my daily Guide Declaro q el mayor Poder es mi Guía diario I declare that all my problems are going away from my life Declaro q todos mis problemas se van d mi vida I declare that the greatest joy and the greatest peace envelop me Declaro que el mayor gozo y la mayor paz me envuelven I declare that I will never think doubt Declaro que no voy a pensar dudas jamás I declare that I ask salvation for all those who do not like me Declaro que pido la salvación para los que no me quieren I declare that God does great favors to my life in front of those who deal evil with me Declaro que Dios hace grandes favores a mi vida a los ojos d quienes me tratan mal I declare the greatest blessing for my life this day Declaro bendición de la más grande para este mi día I declare that I will give the best words to each person I see today Declaro que voy a dar palabras de las mejores a toda persona que mire I declare that I throw out from my mind every foolish thought and I change them for the best thoughts and I will love more my family and those around me Declaro que echo fuera de mi mente todo pensamiento necio y los cambio por pensamientos de los mejores y amaré cada vez más a mi familia y a quienes me rodean I declare that my eyes are only in divine things and I worry for nothing earthly Declaro que mi vista está solo en las cosas divinas y no me preocupo por nada terreno. I give all my statements in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ and by His precious blood. He already paid for all my sins and I rest in His hands day and night Todas mis declaraciones doy en Nombre de mi Salvador Jesucristo y por Su sangre preciosa. Él ya pago por todos mis pecados y descanso en Su manos día y noche. I preach 2 thousands daily with a very loud speaker on my old, Little White pickup! Come so we do it together!!!I work with poor children in Tijuana, Mexico and need partners and visitors to come and bless as many of them as you can with one dollar each. BBB=Billions of brilliant blessings!!! See pictures on my Google+ profile and on fb where I am JORGE CASTELLANOS UGARDI. Verses with Lord and Link to my group Jews $ American-Christian Business people, https://plus.google/u/0/communities/104998635210022370896 One of my you tube vids, (you may c others I have hundreds!!!) youtube/watch?v=RjaCsHUkOMU
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:04:58 +0000

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