10 lieks~ 1. Relationship status : 2. Bestfriends : 3. Do i - TopicsExpress


10 lieks~ 1. Relationship status : 2. Bestfriends : 3. Do i miss someone : 4. Birthday : 5. Full Name : 6. Height : 7. Eye color : 8. Crush : 9. Do I miss my last relationship : 10. Who has my heart : 11. Am I the jealous type : 12. Who would I date that lms : 13. Ex I would take back : 14. Someone I hate : 15. Someone cute that lms : 16. Last time I cried : 17. Something I hate : 18. Something I love : 19. Who do I miss : 20. Girl best friend : 21. Guy best friend : 22. Ever changed in a car : 23. Do I believe in love : 24. Do I give second chances : 25. Have I fell in love : 26. Someone I trust with my whole life : 27. Nickname : 28. Elementary school : 29. Tall or short : 30. Sweats or jeans : Favorites 31. Food : 32. Drink : 33. Flower : 34. Animal : 35. Color : 36. Place : 37. Movie : 38. Subject : Have you ever ... 39. Fallen in love with someone : 40. Wanted to smack someone upside the head : 41. Did something you regret : 42. Broke a promise : 43. Hid a secret : 44. Pretend to be happy : Your future... 45. Want kids : 46. Want to get married : 47. Career : 48. Who Do i Want To Spend My Life With? : 49. WHAT IS MY biggest Fear? : 50. WHO Makes My Day Go Right ? : 51. Where Do i Wanna Be 5 YEARS? : 52. Someone Who Is Always There For Me : 53. Last Text : 54. Whose A Stranger That Lms : 55. Who Makes Me Laugh : 56. Who I Do The Craziest Things With : 57. Who Makes Me Smile : 58. What Im Listening Too : 59. What I Wish I Could Change : 60. Someone who understands me the most : 61. Someone I had fun with this summer : 62. Biggest turn off : 63. Who I will take a bullet for that 64. First person in my contact list : 65. My last text from : 66. Who I tell everything to : 67. What i cant wait for ? 68. Zombie games or car games: 69. hoodies or long sleeve: 70. Whats my fav sport :
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:27:05 +0000

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