10 likes. 1. full name - Elmir Alagic 2. nickname - Dont have - TopicsExpress


10 likes. 1. full name - Elmir Alagic 2. nickname - Dont have one 3. zodiac sign - Gemini 4. primary school - Rutherford 8. tall or short - short 9. sweats or jeans - depends 10. orange or apple - orange 11. do you have a crush on someone - Yes. 12. eat or drink - Drink 13. piercings - ears 14. pepsi or coke - coke have you ever? 16. been in an airplane - yes 17. been in a relationship - yes 18. been in a car accident - no 19. been in a fist fight - yes firsts & lasts. 20. first piercing - earrs 21. first best friend - john 22. first award - funniest person 23. first love - My Girlfriend 24. first word - Idk 25. last person you talked to in person - My sister 26. last person you texted - My girlfriend 27. last friend you watched a movie with - it wasnt only one person 28. last food you ate - skittles 29. last movie you watched in theaters - fast 6 30. last song you listened to - Holy Grail 31. last thing you bought - a slushie 32. last person you hugged - idk favorites. 33. food - have alot 34. drink - mtn dew 35. flower - idk 36. animal - dog 37. color - green and red 38. place - the malll 39. movie - dont be a mence 40. subject - ihateschooooooooooo have you ever? 41. fallen in love with someone - yess 42. celebrated halloween - yesss 43. went over the minutes/texts on your phone - no im not generic 44. wanted to smack someone upside the head - yes 45. eaten a whole pizza - yes 46. did something you regret - uhmmm idk 47. broke a promise - yup 48. hid a secret - yup 49. pretended to be happy - yup your future. 50. want kids - yes 51. want to get married - yes 52. career - mechanic or a computer speicalist which is better in the opposite gender. 53. lips or eyes - both 54. shorter or taller - short >>>> 55. romantic or spontaneous - both 56. hook up or relationship - mostly relationship 57. looks or personality - both have you ever? 58. lost glasses/contacts - yes 59. snuck out - yes 60. held a gun/knife for self defense - no 61. broke someones heart - i think 62. been in love - yes 63. been arrested - almost do you believe in. 64. yourself - yes 65. miracles - idk 66. love at first sight - no 67. santa - my niggga santa 68. forever & always - yes honestly. 69. is there one person you want to be with right now - YESSSS, my bb 70. who are your real friends - Elma Osmanovic Jamal Elkhoury Belmin Otanovic Mehic Beriz Osmanovic Armin Islamovic Francisco Diaz John Vinny Khuong Jordan Hume Jonah Forman Amer Hasanović
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 06:22:51 +0000

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