10 likes and ill answer 110 questions... lol. 1. Last hug: - TopicsExpress


10 likes and ill answer 110 questions... lol. 1. Last hug: Aubree :) 2. Last phone call: my mother. 3. Last text message: logan, 4. Last song you heard: TKO - Justin Timberlake 5. Last time you cried: cant remember! HAVE YOU EVER: 6. Dated someone twice: yeah 7. Been cheated on: yupp 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: maybe, probably haha 9. Lost someone special: yeahhh 10. Been depressed: who hasnt 11. Cried over something stupid: uhm yeah LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12:purple 13:pink 14:blue ;) THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend: ya 16. Fallen out of love: dont think I fell in love this year... Or wait yeah. Lol 17. Laughed until you cried: no, but I laughed until my tummy hurt haha love those moments! 18. Met someone who changed you: nope 19. Found out who your true friends were: yeah 20. Found out someone was talking about you: hah! Yeah. 21. Kissed anyone on your friends list: yeah! YOUR LIFE. 22.How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: like 90% or 95% of them 23. How many kids do you want: like 2, maybe Id change my mind after that who knows.. 24. Do you have any pets: a dog. 25. Do you want to change your name: no, I did when I was younger but nah not anymore 26. What did you do for your last Birthday: had a supper and partiedddddddd :b 27. What time did you wake up today: like 8am 28.What were you doing at midnight last night: cuddling with Aubree 29. Name something you cannot wait for: my parents to come home 30. Last time you saw your mother: Friday or Thursday 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: uh something too personal. 32. What are you listening to right now: Give it 2 U - Robin Thick ft. Kendrick Lamar & 2 Chainz 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah :b 34. Whos getting on your nerves right now: no one atm 35. Most visited webpage: probably Facebook? Haha 36. Whats your real name: Cheyanne Kennedy Cardinal 37. Nicknames: dont have one people just call me Chey. 38. Relationship Status: Single 39. Zodiac sign: Aquarius 40. Male or female: Female obviously. Lol 41. Primary school: never went to school when I was little till I was like 12 42. Secondary School: ADCS 43. High school/college: ADCS 44. Write w/e you want here: there was some numbers missing and I might have added some myself. Haha 45. Long or short: what? 46. Height: 57 47. Do you have a crush on someone: A couple people.. 48. What do you like about yourself: Im funny. Aha 49. Piercings: Ears. 50. Tattoos: not yet ;) 51. Righty or lefty: Rightyy FIRSTS: 52. First surgery: never had one. 53. First piercing: Ears 54. First best friend: Krista Bernadette 55.First sport you joined: Basketball? 56. First vacation: lmao when I was 3 57. Ever been on a diet?: no need. 58. First pair of trainers: use to always wear them when I was a kid aba RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating: fries and hot dogs 60. Drinking: tea cuz Im an old lady ;) 61. Im about to: turn the music up 62. Listening to: 23 - Mike will made it ft. Miley Cyrus, wiz Khalifa & juicy j 63. Waiting for: Aubree to wake up cuz Im bored af. YOUR FUTURE: 64. Want kids: yup 65. Get married: yeah maybe. 66. Career: I want to be a pediatrician. Or maybe a mechanic hahaha thats hot. WHICH IS BETTER: 67. Lips or eyes: eyes 68. Hugs or kisses: kisses 69. Shorter or taller: depends! ;) 70. Older or Younger: older not by much tho. Maybe like 2 or 3 years older.. 71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous! 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: both :b 73. Sensitive or loud: hmm 74. Hook-up or relationship: depends. HAVE YOU EVER: 76. Kissed a stranger: no 77. Drank hard liquor: always! Beer is gross. Sometimes. 78. Lost glasses/contacts: nope 79. Kissed someone your not dating: yeah aha 80. Broken someones heart: maybe? 81. Turned someone down: yeah :/ 82. Been arrested: nahhh Im a good girl :b 83. Got in a fight: yeah 84. Cried when someone died: well yeah. 85.fallen for a friend: always happens. DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86. Yourself: most times, yeah. 87. Miracles: I do believe in miracles. 88. Love at first sight: sure 89. Heaven: yeah 90. Santa Clause: lmao oh forsure! 91. Kiss on the first date: whatever happens, happens! 92. Angels: yup! ANSWER TRUTHFULLY: 94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: yeah lmfao back when I was 13 or 14 Ha! 95. Did you sing today: not yet. Aubrees asleep dont wanna wake her. 96. Ever cheated on somebody: yeah. Now Im faithful af! Not everybody stays a cheater. Proving them wrong :) 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: to when I never use to drink. 98. The moment you would choose: living in mac instead of chip. 99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Kind of. 100: do you like the way you look?: lol cant change a thing about it but yes I do. 101: What are your deepest desires? to love and be loved unconditionally by my soulmate! 102: What is your future job? Think Ive already told yall. 103: If you can have anything in the world, what would it be? You ;) 104: Xbox or ps3, and why? Xbox. Ps3 is boring. 105: Bestfriends? Dana Flett Logan Marten 106: Favourite movie? Uhm right now Id say, Were the millers. 107: Favourite game? Mine craft. 108: Heels or shoes? Shoes. 109: Do you have a pet, whats his/her name? Her name is Nelly. Lol 110: Whats on your mind right now? Major headache. Fml.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:40:39 +0000

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