10 practical ways to save money In an earlier list that you can - TopicsExpress


10 practical ways to save money In an earlier list that you can read here 10 easy ways to save money, we suggested you make some small moves that will help with saving money. Here are more ways to avoid unnecessary spending on your part. 1. Overnight travel by trains: Quite often we do not take cognizance of the comforts which the railways offer, especially on overnight journeys. There are extremely comfortable overnight trains with well-stocked coaches catering to all your requirements of comfort and luxury. You reach your destination early in the morning, well in time for your business meetings (or even your personal meetings), as the case may be. Travel by the highest class possible. Even then, you may make a decent 30% to 40% gain on the cost of the ticket. 2. Avoiding peak season bookings: Peak season booking by airlines is always expensive compared to normal rates. And most of the time when we fly with family and friends, we know the schedule in advance and we plan things out. If we take a little more care, we may be able to get better rates on air tickets by avoiding peak season bookings. Do the bookings in advance. The savings may be large enough to pay for your dinner at a good restaurant. 3. Home food: Home food is the best food, and all of us know that is really so. But very few people carry home food to office for lunch. The food that you may buy from a restaurant or even your office canteen may never be entirely to your liking. And you pay much more that you would have otherwise spent. Sitting down with your friends and having home food at least two to three days a week would be a good idea, and then the occasional restaurant stuff may be more enjoyable. 4. Beverages: Consumption of beverages is something that many of us are habituated to since an early age. We lose sight of the money that we spend casually sipping these beverages, which may not be healthy and which just add some empty calories on you too. This applies to not just non-alchoholic beverages but also to alchoholic beverages. When you pay for your beverages at a restaurant, you end up paying a price inclusive of the restaurant’s margins. Many a times, this can be avoided. 5. Early morning movies: Evening movies may cost four to five times the amount an early morning movie does, especially on weekends. It is a bit difficult to get up early in the morning on a holiday and then walk across to the movie hall when others may still be sleeping. But it is not too early if it is 8 am or 9 am. Next time, book an early morning movie and feel the difference. You may save enough money to buy a new book. 6. Timely servicing of your car If you service your car on time, the car will be fine and will be running smoothly. The thing is that some people delay the servicing of the car, as they need to spend a lot of money on this. But the problem with delayed servicing is that the car could start giving problems and you may end up with multiple issues, which would require spending much more that what you originally intended. 7. Carpool and public transport: Carpools and public transport are good options for those who do not have to go out to multiple meetings and sales calls during the day. It is worthwhile trying out the air-conditioned buses, which would take you to a stop very close to your office. Carpooling saves a lot of money, and it is a workable arrangement for people who stay in close vicinity of each other’s offices. 8. Saving on electricity: Many of us put the mobile phone on the charger and leave it like that overnight, so that the phone gets fully charged. The phone needs to be charged for probably less than an hour to get charged fully. But we waste electricity by leaving it like that. In fact, the mobile charger uses up enough electricity which could have run a refrigerator for an entire day! So disconnect the charger as soon as possible, as it saves money for you, and power for the power hungry nation!! 9. Too many phone connections: Multiple phone connections are something that many of us may be struggling with, and payment for some of these connections would cost us quite a bit. Too many phone connections does not necessarily mean better communication! Cutting down on the number of connections may be a good idea to save money. Some people who stay at home most of the day also have mobile phones that they don’t use much. Your monthly telephone bills would be much smaller if you surrender connections that are not essential. 10. Holiday packages: Holiday packages bring in some amount of convenience, as the travel house takes care of a lot of things. But these packages obviously include handsome margins, which the travel agencies make for themselves. If you plan in advance and do the bookings yourself, you may be able to save about 20% to 25% on the costs. It may not be very cumbersome, as you can easily access airlines and hotel bookings online and fix a customized itinerary for yourself.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 06:07:05 +0000

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