10 reasons why Modi is not good for - TopicsExpress


10 reasons why Modi is not good for Adivasi. ------------------------------------------------------------ As an adivasi I want to bring these points to you and expect you to be aware before putting your valuable vote to anyone. 1. BJP is the party that focuses work on which rich and upper class people get benefitted. On the other hand Congresss focus is on inclusive growth that positively considers growth of Dalits, Adivasies, Minorities. For example, when BJP takes credit for National High Way [Golden Quadrangle], Congress takes pride for rural development [MNREGA]. With this, although BJPs work might look good for pictures of highway in Facebook, but Congress’s work has cured the pains of many villagers. So as a adivasi, when your people mostly stay in rural India, need to see what is benefitting you. 2. Reservation: If BJP is powered to have absolute majority of its own, first thing probably it would like to do is that it will abolish reservation. If not so abruptly as said here, but will take systematic steps towards that. For example, it might not reduce the quota percentage, but will keep the cut off mark same as general category so that half of the seats will remain vacant. It might abolish quota on promotion in govt sectors. Remember few days back BJP was opposing reservation in super-specialty courses in AIIMS. While Congress look for implementation of job reservation in pvt sector, BJP eyes to minimize reservation in public sectors. So you need to think how will life of you and your adivasi friends will get affected by this. 3. Disinvestment: During last NDA session, one thing that was prominently heard was ministry of disinvestment. First time and last time it was heard, but within 5 years it made big dent for SC/ST people. On the name of selling out loss making companies, it sold those companies that were employing many people based on quota. It was observed that similar loss making companies in Gujurat, MP, Punjab and TamilNadu were exempted from such exercises as these companies were located in areas having lower density of reserved people. On the other hand, even better off companies were sold or attempted to sell on the name of higher gain. One such example was NALCO at Orissa was badly targeted to disinvest although it was doing good, but located in poor state having many reserved employees. Another reason for disinvestment is that if all govt companies are closed down, there wont be any job reservation and hence less of SC/STs will get job leading to more of general people getting employed. This is what BJP govt wants to do. One the other hand UPA govt puts SC/ST top performing employees to such dying companies they turned it up. One such example is Mr Dayanidhi Marandi as MD of Ms Burn Standard Company, who turned loss making company to a profit making one within 2-3 years. Although with BJP govt it might create more jobs as rich industrialist support them, but those jobs are for whom? Not for dalits and adivasies, not for you and me. 4. Religion: BJP is the party that boosts only one religion and suppresses all other religions in India. Have you heard any political party building only temple or maszid or church and take pride of that. It was BJP that had built Akhsardhan temple at Delhi with big bang. Also even now it makes politics over Ram temple at Ayodhya. The ideology behind such movement is that since majority Indian are Hindu, India is the country of Hindu only. This theory only propels anti minority, anti Adivasi activities and creates unrest in different parts of India. This phenomenon may not be so important for normal Hindu, but it impacts very much for Non-Hindu. Religous panic is the biggest disturbance for minorities among others. We, the Adivasies are not Hindu, we are minority in one form or other. With such religious approach, Adivasies are in danger in India, similar to danger to Santals in Assam [Killed on street when they were making peaceful rally for reservation]. Remember how Christians were attacked in Church during BJP rule in Karnataka, Christians were burnt in Baripada, killed in Kandhamal during NDA era. These are the sign of Hindu atrocity orchestrated by BJP. 5. Corruption: In India, probably till now only one party is non-corrupt, i.e. AAP. One of the reasons for this may be it didnt get chance to do the same, or since its based on anti-corruption agenda, it will stick to this for longer period. However ensuring everyone in the party to be corruption-free will be a tough task in the party. In each of these parties Congres, BJP or any other, everyone knows how they gather money on the name of party fund. However everyone is expert in pointing finger at others when they dont get chance to do the same. When A Raja was convicted for 1.6 lakh crore 2G scam, he has total asset of 9 Crores increased around 2 times since 2009. Yes, he has done corruption mostly, but for whom? Since Congress was in power for 10 years, there exists chances of some corruption by the ministers, their relatives and party men but definitely not as reported by CAG. On the other hand BJPs Reddy brothers of Bellary [Susumas right hand], looted mines so much that they even declared publicly to fund next election by donating 40K crores to BJP. But CAG didnt find any fault over there and finally State Lokayukta found them guilty and now in jail. The point that I am making over here is that all political parties do corruption, but when blames leveled why only Congress leaders, why only JMM. Poor JMM is even now remembered nationally for its 5 crores bribe by 5 MPs, which is now election expense of a MLA in Jharkhand or that of a corporator in Bangalore. The only thing is that BJP didnt get chance to loot, but when it loots, it loots royally. Remember two Presidents of BJP were found corrupted: Bangaru Laxamn and Nitish Gadkeri. Modi had successfully postponed appointing Lokayukta for last 8 years until last 2-3 months. So BJP and Congress as well as 99% of other parties in India dont have moral ground to fight against corruption. If anyone has, then its AAP. If corruption is the only issue to fight, then vote for AAP and not for BJP. 6. Gujurat Model: Development in Gujurat is just a hype, nothing else. When it stands 5th in total investment [Maharstra 1st] and 3rd/4th from last in mid-day meal implementation, mal-nutrition, drop-out rate etc. In fact the other factors on which Modi falls behind are mostly related to poor, adivasies. Yes Gujurat is probably a good place for business community, but not for people who work for those businessmen. Its not the good place for poor and adivasi. Even now lot of adivasi who lost for Narmada dam project are landless although their ancestors [adivasi] were the actual inhibitor of this land, Bharat. This is the state where for industrialization lands of adivasies are forcefully captured by giving peanuts to them. But recently land of upper caste people in some vilages in Gujurat was bought by Modi govt for industry with huge compensation which was in news. Yes, here development happens, but development for whom? Not for Adivasi, but for upper caste, rich and industrialists. 7. Policy: BJPs policies were always for certain group of people and against another set of people. Think of land acquisition policy which Congress brought it recently was vehemently opposed by BJP. The real beneficiary of land acquisition policy was the poor voiceless land owners [usually adivasi as industries are set in remote area around mines]. Without this bill, it used to benefit industrialists. BJP provides huge gains of industrialists but Congress look for gains of both sides: poor land owners [read adivasi] and also industrialists. Similarly the stricter rule for having environment adherence to any industry was obeyed by Congress and a special ministry was set up to handle the clearance. However BJP was opposed to that as it really dont care if such industrialization ruins the life of adivasi in that region. Even now there are many open-cast mines, highly polluted industries exist and while Congress tries to make a balance on them, BJP opposes such move [Ex: Lavasa Project and many more]. Next let us see FDI. FDI benefits to consumers as big retailers will increase the competition and hence better service to consumers. At the same time retailer will buy directly from farmers and hence more benefits to farmers. With this, one section of people who used to be middle-men in such retail business, who used to loot Indian consumers as per their wish will vanish over time. This class of people used to be Baniyan community and a typical vote bank of BJP. When they always accuse Congress for vote bank policy, here they actually do vote bank to save their core voters instead of saving crores of aam citizen. Similary there are many such policies where certain classes of people gain benefits and some other looses. By Congresss policy adivasi, dalits, farmers get benefitted but by BJPs policy rich people, businessmen, industrialists get benefits. Remember that is the reason why Adani and Ambani praise for Modi. 8. Security: BJPs policy on security is that if you secure the rich and famous people, the country is secured. If terrorist attack is not there, then they think they are most saved. But they dont understand if a policemen tortures a poor adivasi in middle of the street. Does ever BJP spell any policy where it will try to act against police, local leaders atrocities against poor dalits and adivasi. Unfortunately congress also does not do anything significantly. In fact AAP is more sensitive on this issue. When BJP brought TADA and end of punishing thousands of innocent muslims by mere suspect of someone. But at the same time, it supported Hindu terrorists to grow [Ram Sena, Siva Sena, MNS, Pune Blast groups etc are some form of such outfits or terrorists]. But in spite of all these, Kargil War, Parliament attack etc happened during NDA. On the other hand BJP has failed miserably in handling Moists. Probably in some sense APs late Kiran Kumar Reddy [Congress], WBs Mamata Bannergy[TMC] have succeeded someway although not fully on solving Moist issue. On the other hand moist issue has increased manifold in Chhhatishgarh. The moist issue can be resolved over time if and only if they should be treated as citizens of India and not as terrorists; if and only if politicians should stop treating them as enemy rather work to resolve the issue/situation that made them enemy. 9. End of MNREGA, Food Security Bill, Adhar: It has been outspoken by many BJP top leaders that these UPA policies will be scrapped once NDA comes to power. Let us analyze who were getting benefitted by these programmes and who were in loss. MNREGA programme was an way to guarantee minimum 100 days of jobs with govt wage rate, which was usually higher than existing wage rate in that area. With this two benefits were achieved: 1. Poor people at villages were getting work [remember most of the adivasi dont have work to do in half of the year.] 2. There were some developmental works happening in every village. Earlier civic work used to happen only in influential villages. 3. After getting relatively higher wages fixed by govt, the daily laborers were having some standard to determine their wages. Pvt local people started increasing their wage and hence the poor got more benefits. Similarly food security bill aims to solve another big issue, which were mainly affected by poor adivasi. By this food grains were supplied to poor villagers with minimal price of free of cost aiming to complete eradicate hunger problem in India. Even now there are many adivasi who earn in day to have a complete mean at night for whole family and next day again they are foodless. BJP wanted to close this programme because it thinks govt has to spent lot of money to execute this. But BJP wants freebees to investors and industrialists thousands of crores of rupees. Remember when Modi snatched Tata Nano project from Mamata, it had given huge concession on land to Tata addition to huge loan to Tata with merely 3% interest loan. Where as you and me will get study loan on 14% interest rate. While BJP can give lot of concession and freebees to rich, it does not want to spend any money for poor people. Thats the reality. Third Aadhar project aims to reduce the corruption in PDS [public distribution of different govt subsidies items]. The influential people in the locality [ usually upper caste people] take the dealership of such distribution centers and they eat up majority of items and only 15% reach to acutal beneficiaries. Addhar aims to reduce this corruption by ensuring the distribution by taking finger print authentication of target people. Aadhar never claims to give citizenship of its card holder. But BJP plays politics over here and wanted to close this noble programme. So closing such programme is nothing but to stop benefits to the poors. 10. Modi: While BJP has many leaders like Vajpaye who at least understands the pain and problems of common people, Modi doesn’t want to even hear those. Modi is self praised, authoritarian leader where his understanding and priority is the agenda of the country but not that of others and forget about aam admi. He is always known for gujurat riot, hatredness over religion [in many instances], his royal treatment to rich industrialists, and ignoring issues of poor adivasies [narmada dam effected people], neglects issues of poor people [mal-nutrition, female ratio, empowering women, health in villages etc]. Recently he is also seen as a politician who kicks out his opponents, whose blessings have saved him in past: LK Advani, Yashwant Sinha, Yashwant Singh, Joshi, Pandey and many more like this. Overall Modi is a hitler of current era. Do you support a party that projects hitler as PM of India. A big NO. Finally I want to say yes, as an Indian, I like to have India progressed, developed. But not on the cost of my community people, Adivasi, dalits, poor and maginalised people. While UPAs average GDP growth was 7.9% in last 9 years, it was below 5% during NDAs five year period. While BJP claims to give better days for India, but they failed to do so during their NDA period. In fact they had offered good benefits to certain section of people and thats why they made the 2004 election slogan as India Rising. They even didnt think that Bharat [the rural India] has suffered a lot and 2004 result showed them the way. So again I want to ask you all what development do you want, a devlopment of only rich and industrialists or an inclusive growth model of comprising adivasi and dalits. What type of country do you want, a secular or a Hindu nation; anyway we are adivasi only. Think of yourself, your relatives, community and choose the leaders a leader accordingly.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 16:54:12 +0000

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