10 signs to recognize a selfish personIt doesn’t matter if - TopicsExpress


10 signs to recognize a selfish personIt doesn’t matter if you’re dating a selfish person or best friends with one. The signs to recognize a selfish person are almost always the same. Use these 10 signs and ask yourself if that special someone is nothing but a selfish and bad person. #1 A selfish person is excessively friendly and will go out of their way to be nice to you, though only at the beginning of the relationship. #2 A selfish friend or partner always asks for favors, big or small. #3 They always squirm out of helping you when you need their help. #4 You can sense a selfish person’s fakeness when they talk to others. They try to appear very friendly and sweet to everyone, even if you know that they hate the person. #5 They use others all the time. And they share a laugh with you and tell you how they used someone else to get something done. #6 Selfish people are people pleasers. But once you get to know them well, they start to show their lazy and aloof side. #7 If you meet someone who’s a kissass who’s always eager to please you with compliments or fake smiles, stay away from them. A truthful person may seem harsh, but they say things the way they see it. Excessively friendly people almost always have ulterior motives that are selfish. #8 A selfish friend or lover never commits to anything unless they can get some benefit or favor out of it. They would never do anything selflessly for your benefit. #9 A selfish person always has a carefree attitude and takes nothing seriously. Even when you talk about how hurt you feel, they make you feel stupid for making a big deal out of nothing. #10 Selfish people are liars and manipulators. They never want to apologize because they think you’re beneath them. Instead, they resort to lies..... And its true....
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 20:58:16 +0000

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