10 tips & checks for Summer driving Trust My Garage Top 10 - TopicsExpress


10 tips & checks for Summer driving Trust My Garage Top 10 Tips Driving in the sunshine can be an exhilarating experience. But heat waves are not always good for our cars. As Britain basks in record temperatures, Trust My Garage are urging motorists to take extra care of their vehicles. Their top tips to keep you from getting hot under the collar are : 1. Rubber Hot weather can exacerbate any existing minor damage to wiper blades and windscreen trim so check for problems. 2. Tyres High temperatures can also worsen tyre damage. Under-inflated tyres will be more prone to overheating, leading to punctures and blow-outs so check condition and pressure regularly. 3. Coolant Keep your engine coolant topped up. Summer’s not the time to be running with low coolant levels or leaking hoses, overheating your engine can cause severe and expensive damage. 4. Washer Is your windscreen washer topped? A working screen washer is a legal requirement and you’ll need it for Summer’s dust and insects. 5. Chippings Loose stone chippings can cause punctures, windscreen damage and paint chips. Take care; summer is a popular time for the National Roads Authority and county councils to lay tar and loose chippings to improve roads. 6. Wildlife Be on the lookout for wandering wildlife. Animals are particularly active in summer. Please remember to report any collisions with wild animals, especially the ones that are protected such as badgers and some of the wild bird species. 7. Farmers It’s the busiest season, harvesting crops and moving livestock. Don’t drive too closely to tractors that are fully loaded or towing agricultural machinery in case debris falls from these vehicles. 8. Air conditioning Air conditioning earns it’s keep on hot days but it can also be the time when you notice it’s not working as well as it should be. If in doubt get it checked or recharged to benefit from staying cool and to avoid expensive repairs later on. 9. Glare Sun glare can cause accidents so keep your windscreen clean inside and out. 10. Battery Excessive fluid evaporation can reduce the life of your battery. Check your manual to see if it needs liquid top-ups and add distilled water if needed. If you have any doubts about the condition of your vehicle why not take it along to your nearest garage for expert advice and a simple summer service? More Details « Previous Next » Posted by: Garage Wire News on 30th July 2013 6 7 1 0 0 14 © - See more at: garagewire.co.uk/news/10-tips-checks-for-summer-driving/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=News&utm_content=News+CID_a44fccc4c774fc1543fbb7152e9bccd6&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=10%20tips%20%20checks%20for%20Summer%20driving#sthash.IfHj4bXN.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 14:45:35 +0000

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