10 tips to a Great HairCut We all have haircut horror - TopicsExpress


10 tips to a Great HairCut We all have haircut horror stories. A light trim that turned out to be a 6-inch loss Ends so uneven your friends thought you cut them yourself. Or how about the stylist who gave you bangs without asking? Many people even hate the thought of walking into the salon and sitting down in that chair. It really shouldnt be this way -- unless youre at the dentist. In that case you can go ahead and hate the dreaded chair and cancel your appointment, cause you can keep your mouth shut and no one will ever know that your missing half your teeth. But unless you pamper whats on top of your head your gonna be dreadlocked outta the social scene. The main reason these things happen is Plain miscommunication. Okay, its true that some hairdressers really should have their scissors taken away or their hands cut off but this isnt the middle east. A bad haircut is caused by bad communication. What special powers do hairdressers possess that turn strong, opinionated women into meek, intimidated yes-men? Whether youre at Warren Tricomi or Supercuts, you are a paying client and you have to participate in the process to get the look you want. You cant expect a stylist to read your mind. So make it easier on yourself. Ive put together a list of 10 tips that will help you get a Style you love. A great haircut can make a world of difference in how you feel, so dont just step into a salon an expect to leave looking like a Kardashien. Unless you upgrade that service to include Extensions and some Colour. Follow the steps below and youll get a great Style. 1. Find pictures before your appointment Do your research people. Dont go into a salon 20 minutes early so that you can find a picture of a style you like. Because you wont find it. Especially if youre making a change, you need a few days to think about it. Buy a couple of hair magazines, look to celebrities, surf the internet to find styles that will work for your hair. Your stylist will also need more than just one angle of the cut. If you cant see the sides or back, find pictures of other cuts that are similar to what you want. 2. Know your hair type Stylists are not miracle workers. If you have thick, curly hair, Cameron Diazs shaggy layered do is not going to work on you. But long layered styles like Debra Messing wears will. Magazines can tell you what type of hair works best for each cut. Is your hair thick or thin, fine or curly, wavy or straight, flat or frizzy? (Do yourself a favor and Fight that Frizz with a Brazilian BlowOut) and do us all a favor Read about the styles youre not interested in too. You might find that theyre actually tailor-made for your type of hair. Have a back-up photo. If your hairdresser tells you that your hair just cant be styled like the photo, have another style that you were considering. 3. Ask for stylist recommendations Dont just walk into a salon and sit down in the first available chair. If you dont have a stylist, or youre not happy with the one youve got, ask for recommendations. Friends, coworkers, anyone whose hair you really like. If you see someone at a Makeup Counter, party or on the street with a great Hair, stop and ask them who cuts their hair. Theyll be flattered you asked. 4. Take in pictures Lots and lots of pictures. Stylists need to see more than one angle. If you can only find one angle, take in additional pictures that capture elements of the style you want. Your stylist will get an idea of what you like. Pictures dont have to come only from hair magazines. Magazines like People, US Weekly and Talk have lots of celebrity shots that are great for photos. (Ahem, you could also print out your faves from our FACEBOOK page, just sayin.) 5. Dont be intimidated Whether youre spending $50 or $100, its your money. The stylist is working for you and needs to treat you with respect. If a stylist is full of attitude and doesnt seem to be listening to what youre saying, call him or her on it. Simply say, Im sorry, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. I dont feel like youre listening to what Im saying. While I appreciate that you know more about hair than I do, I really dont wanna have Victoria Beckhams hair cut. Be polite and if you cant agree on a cut just get a blow dry. 6. Know what you want Hairstylists are not mind readers. Dont sit in a chair and say, Whatever you think is best. Know what you want. Listen to a stylists recommendations. He or she can tell you if your hair is capable of a style, how difficult it is to maintain and etc. (if you cant maintain the look please dont get...youre just going to end up hating your hair when you cant make it back for a much needed appointment) But ultimately you have to say yes or no to the suggestions. No one is going to secretly cut a bald patch in your hair just because you said no. (Unless your at a beauty School j/k) 7. Ask questions If a stylist suggests bangs, ask why. It could be that you have a really high forehead and the stylist is trying to gently suggest ways that you might look better. I mean if your forehead could moonlight as a Movie Screen and youre making extra cash on the side dont let em cut. Just make them coins, But honestly some people just need to be BANGED. Ask for an opinion of the pictures youve brought in for your hair. Ask how difficult it will be to style, if its high-maintenance or low, what tools and products you will need, etc. If it looks like more is being cut off than you wanted, ask the stylist to stop and explain what he or she is doing. Dont just sit there. Participate in the process. 8. Take notes Take something to write down the techniques your stylist used so that you can duplicate the look at home. Did He or she use a large round brush or a small round brush? Did he hold the hair under or over the brush when he blew it out? What did she put on your hair before she started styling it? What did he put on afterwards? Ask and write it down. 9. Compromise If your stylist is telling you that your hair just cant do what youre asking, you should probably believe it. Stylists are trained and licensed to cut hair and they have no reason to steer you wrong. After all, if you look good, they look good. Talk to your stylist about what He/she thinks would be good for your hair, have them show you some pictures, and ask her about how you would style it. If you dont feel comfortable with the suggestions, get a light trim, do some more research. 10. Tip! Tip! Tip! The standard tip for a haircut is 20 percent. Hairdressers have to pay chair rental fees and only get a percentage of each Ticket. So like waiters, they rely on their tips as part of their income. If you stiff your hairdresser, he will remember. The next time you go in he might not have as much time spend with you or hell simply do what you ask, even if its a bad idea. If you arent happy with the cut, let your hairdresser know. Is it what you asked for and it just doesnt look good on you? Or did she goof and not give you what you wanted? If its the latter, ask her to fix it.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 17:22:21 +0000

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