100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House - TopicsExpress


100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House Response About Extraterrestrials ▼ “I’ve known truly honest, deeply committed members of the government, members of the administrations, members of the congress and those who hold cabinet positions that, even before today, have been particularly prominent and have been wanting to end the “truth embargo.” Regardless of what we think of the evidence at this point, we know that there needs to be hearings, and there needs to be official hearings. ” (source) – Former U.S. Congressperson Merrill Cook A petition will be launched on January 7th, 2015 by Steven Basset encouraging the United States government to hold congressional hearings regarding all of the information that has surfaced over the past few years pointing to the fact that an extraterrestrial presence has been interacting with the human race for quite some time. If the petition receives 100,000 signatures the White House will respond. I am creating awareness about it now to let people know, and will also be doing the same when January 7th comes around with a link posted to where you will be able to sign, so keep at look out for it. With regards to the picture you see used for this article, it’s real. In 1952 UFOs were spotted near the White House that prompted worldwide interest. They were visually confirmed as well as radar confirmed. You can read more about what happens when UFOs are tracked on radar here. They made national news and it was heard around the world to the point where President Truman was forced to speak about them, you can see what he had to say here. This sighting could not be hidden. “Oh yes we discuss it at every conference that we’ve had with the military. There’s always things like that going on, flying saucers and they’ve had other things you know, if I’m not mistaken.” (source) Regardless of what you think, extraterrestrial craft or advanced human craft – the implications are huge. I wonder what Truman is referreing too when he says “they’ve had other things you know.” Could he be referring to extraterrestrial bodies? Who knows. “Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source) There are currently a substantial number of government agency, political, academic and military personnel of high rank that have announced that they are prepared to testify under oath to congressional committees pointing to the evidence that surrounds this topic. “There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Last year the director of The Paradigm Research Group, Steven Basset arranged and organized a historic and memorable event in the world of Exopolitics. It was the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, a congressional style hearing that gathered, involved and brought several United States Congresspeople to the National Press Club in Washington D.C. for one week. “They want a hearing, I think they deserve a hearing and I want to be a part of that. The cloak of secrecy has become more and more obvious to me, the people who pulled the cloak of secrecy over this – why did they do that? I think we need to understand why they did it so we can get this thing reversed. There’s something out there, there’s clearly something out there and the American people have a right to know.” – (source) Former U.S. Congress Person Roscoe Bartlett At the hearing they sat in on and listened to over 30 hours of testimony from over 40 witnesses over a period of 5 days. The event was the most concentrated body of evidence regarding the extraterrestrial subject ever presented to the press and the general public at one time. “This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source) The witnesses included researchers, academicians, six former members of the United States Congress, military, political and agency personnel from around the globe in order to testify about events and evidence indicating that an extraterrestrial presence is (and has been) engaging the human race. Beyond witness testimony, we also have a tremendous amount of declassified government documentation regarding the UFO phenomenon, as well as documents obtained by a number of researchers via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail (this is a good decryption of something that has happened scores of times). “As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ” You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE ”Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979). From “UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2″, Written by Richard Dolan by Arjun Walia @ collective-evolution/2014/12/16/100000-signatures-in-30-days-are-needed-for-a-white-house-response-about-extraterrestrials/
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:10:02 +0000

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