“100 Caring Ideas for That Special Woman” A lot of times when - TopicsExpress


“100 Caring Ideas for That Special Woman” A lot of times when ladies confide in me with their relationship challenges, what I hear the most is “abhyacintho, my man is not caring.” This hurts my feelings so much because I know us men, we always have a way of ‘under-doing’ things sometimes. We try so extra hard to win the love of a woman, and then after the first few weeks of the relationship “honeymoon” we just stop doing those things we used to do, we stop showing them the love and care they are used to seeing, and what we do is conceal it inside and assume that they know we love and care about them. Ah arh ahh! Our women do not understand it that way brother, all they feel is “abhyacintho, my man is not caring, I don’t think he loves me anymore”. – The best way to prove you care is not by assumption, or believing she understands because you bought her a pair of earrings 3months ago, it is by “SHOWING IT; IN LITTLE THINGS; EVERYDAY.” So here’s the deal, the year is still fresh, why not seize the opportunity to deposit some good amount of ‘caring’ into her love bank? I just got a few ideas to share with you, am sure it’s a good place to start. 1Do you remember when you used to take a nice walk with her on cool evenings? When you used to hold her hand everywhere you go like you were afraid someone would steal her away? Yea, that used to be so sweet. But now you don’t even care to hold her hands any longer, or ask her sweetly to watch her steps, you will just be walking with her like a hippopotamus. What happened to you brother? 2Chief! WhatsApp, BBM, 2go, Facebook, etc. Are not meant for chatting and sending I love you I love you every time. When was the last time you sent her inspirational life-transformi ng quotes and messages, Bible scriptures for the day, and motivational materials? Please help her grow better, that’s the sort of caring she needs. 3Oga at the top! When you were asking her out you used to fall on your knees and sing the complete album of West life and Celine Dion, what happened to you Mr? Please get back on your groove this year, you could start with her favorite songs, sing with your phone, record it, and send to her. If you don’t have what to sing you can sing the national anthem. 4Women love to see their photo hanging on their man’s mirror in the room, try it, and make her see it when she comes visiting. (Please don’t tell her I leaked this secret, lol). Put her passport in your wallet and make her see it too, you’re not in love until you do some awkward things! 5Stay in, or arrange an outing where you both can spend some quiet alone time and meditate together. You can visit the church chapel and spend time in deep meditation. Call her and pray on the phone together sometimes, no matter how brief. Read the Bible TOGETHER! Com’on! It’s romantic. 6The next time you go visiting her house, or office, my friend take some ice cream with you. What is your problem? 7. 8. 9. 10. . . . . 100. If you think I’ll give you a 100 caring ideas for your relationship then you must be kidding me. That’s the reason why your relationship is boring and she thinks you do not care, because you don’t take extra time to study and learn more ways to improve on what you have. I have given you SIX ideas for a start. GOOGLE the other 94!!!! Don’t be a MANGO!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 09:14:26 +0000

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