100 Days Praying and Fasting for Kenya WEEK 13 PRAYING FOR - TopicsExpress


100 Days Praying and Fasting for Kenya WEEK 13 PRAYING FOR NEIGHBORING NATIONS Day 87: SOMALIA *Ravaged by war, warlords, Islamic powers, and jihadists, Somalia at first glance seems to be beyond repair. A new government inaugurated in August 2012 appears to be slowly gaining ground against a longstanding insurgency. In a nation of about 10 million people of which 85% are Somali, the nation is declared 99.67% Sunni Islam. *Somali Christians exist (estimated at fewer than 200 people), despite fierce persecution following the 2009 approval by parliament to implement Shariah law nationwide. The radical Islamic group al-Shabaab has vowed to eradicate all Somali Christians, and they have especially targeted converts from Islam. *The group has executed dozens of Christians since 2009. In February 2012, al-Shabaab leaders announced their alliance with al-Qaeda. There have been several instances of al-Shabaab adherents targeting Somali Christians across borders in Kenya. -the target is not only in war but they have slowly infiltrated the slums and the target, our children! After the Al Shabab profiling through the media, they have become more aggressive in their recruitment. Pray for wisdom for the Christian bodies in the slums. Pray for boldness and discernment. *The power of our cry is that it reaches heavens throne and the ears of God who exercises His sovereign rule and we get to be part of it through prayer. Remember that every Somali is created in the image of God. *Pray for the economic, social, physical health and restoration of the nation of Somalia asking God to bring order and stability, to uphold the righteous, and to destroy the wicked. -We ask with the prophet Amos that justice would roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream in Somalia (Amos 5:24). *Pray that God will protect and have mercy on the women who are mutilated, raped, and abandoned and to defend the innocent. *Just as the Kenya Defense Forces entered Somalia in October 2011 to rescue her from warlords, beseech God to rescue Somalia from the grip of the sons of the bondwoman, turn their hearts to God through practical demonstrations of Christs love, and turn Christian persecutors into pastors. *Ask God to give Somali people who have left the country and become Christians a burden to return and spread the gospel in their native land. Let us remember that as we pray for other nations that ours is to believe. The rest to do, is the Lords! He will cause the bounderies to fall together in pleasant places (Psalm 16). REMEMBER THAT PRAYER IS AN.... 1). Act of Faith 2). Act of Obedience 3). Act of Worship 4). Act of Warfare 5). Act of Sacrifice 6). Act of Labour 7). Act of Love
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 04:32:40 +0000

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