100 Days of Favor -- Day 45: WHY A REVELATION OF YOUR FORGIVENESS - TopicsExpress


100 Days of Favor -- Day 45: WHY A REVELATION OF YOUR FORGIVENESS IS SO IMPORTANT I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His names sake. -- 1 John 2:12 People have asked me from time to time, Pastor Prince, why is an understanding of complete forgiveness of my sins so important for me to walk in Gods unmerited favor? This is a good question. Let me share with you some of the implications involved. First, if you have no confidence that all your sins have been forgiven, then your eternal security and salvation will always hang in the balance. Second, if you think that your sins were not fully dealt with at the cross, then you can never have the confidence to enjoy the Lords presence because you can never be sure if He is on your side, or if He is waiting to punish you for your failures. You will constantly feel unworthy because of your assessment of your conduct, and you can never really have the boldness to ask God for big things, or believe that He will give you success in your life. Third, if you do not believe that Jesus has already forgiven all your sins, it means that when you fail, you will believe that you are not right with God and that fellowship with Him has been cut off. And instead of depending on His unmerited favor to overcome your failure, you will feel that you need to confess your sin, be remorseful and make amends with God before you can restore fellowship with God and depend on Him again. It comes down to this: When you dont have a clear sense of your complete forgiveness, you will constantly be an emotional seesaw. Sometimes, you feel that things between you and God are all right, but at other times, you dont think that it is so. Sometimes, you feel confident that the Lord is with you to make you a success, but at other times, you feel like you blew it and the Lord will not help you until you confess your sin and make amends. You will be in a constant cycle of feeling insecure, where you are always hopping in and out of Gods favor. All these feelings depend on how well you think you have performed, and ignore the cross of Jesus altogether. My friend, God does not evaluate you based on your behavior. He sees only Jesus perfect work. But because you do not believe that Jesus has indeed forgiven you of all your sins, you end up feeling like a total and complete hypocrite and failure. I hope that you are beginning to see that understanding the complete forgiveness of your sins is not just for theologians. Thinking that your sins are not completely forgiven will fundamentally affect your relationship with Jesus. While He is all ready to bless you, give you favor and make you a success, unbelief in His finished work robs you of the ability to receive His goodness, His blessings, His unmerited favor and His success in your life. The cross of Jesus qualified you, but unbelief in the main clause of the new covenant disqualifies you. Meditate on what God says about your sins in the new covenant and free yourself to receive from Him today. The new covenant is based entirely on His unmerited favor. There is nothing for you to do, nothing for you to perform, nothing for you to accomplish. Your part in the new covenant is just to have faith in Jesus and to believe that you are totally forgiven and free to enjoy the new covenant blessings through His finished work! Todays prayer: Father, thank You for showing me why its so important for me to believe that all my sins are forgiven. I dont want my relationship with You to be affected by doubts about my complete forgiveness. I choose to meditate on what You have declared about my sins in the new covenant and see myself receiving all that I need from You today, only because of what Christ has done for me at the cross. Todays thought: I am totally forgiven and free to enjoy the new covenant blessings through Jesus finished work today!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:49:44 +0000

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